Fate takes a big role in our lives whether it be love, tragedy, or life. It may go one way or another and it'll probably surprise you at the moment you least expect it to. Seokjin and Seolhyun were childhood friends but fate took its chance to break...
The sky was clear, the trees were finally blooming and birds flew onto different powerlines. It would be described as the perfect day, especially for Seolhyun and Seokjin. Their parents were happy after their 2 week long vacation to be back home and having their two children finally stop complaining about missing eachother.
As the two 7 year olds were coloring in Seolhyun's coloring book, Seolhyun's mother suddenly called the two in the kitchen. "Put your shoes on. We're going to the park." Seokjin and Seolhyun jumped with excitement as they raced to go find their shoes.
"When we get there, you wanna play tag?" Seokjin says as he slips his foot into his shoe. "Yeah but you'll be it first." Seolhyun says as she ties her shoelaces. "What? That's not fair. How about rock, paper, scissors?" Seolhyun and Seokjin both hold out their hands with a paper in Seokjins and scissors in Seolhyuns. "Dang it." Seokjin sulks before putting his foot on Seolhyuns lap because he doesn't know how to tie his shoes. Seolhyun has tried to teach him many times but Seokjin doesn't understand.
"I don't know why your parents don't buy you strap on shoes." Seolhyun says as she ties his other shoelaces. "Because they're for losers." Seolhyun sarcastically laughs. "Says the 7 year old who can't tie his own shoes." Seokjin sticks his tongue out and runs with Seolhyun behind him to her mom's car.
"Put on your seatbelts." Seolhyun's Mom says before starting the car. The whole ride to the park was filled with bickering about who was in first place in Mario Kart. "Alright we're here. Stay where I can see you two." The two children quickly hopped out of the car and ran to the playground.
Seolhyun was on the other side of the slide and laughed as she dodged Seokjin's hand. "You're too slow for me!" She yells and suddenly trips. Luckily she didn't get hurt but Seokjin finally tagged her. "You're it." He runs as fast as he can while Seolhyun quickly stands up to run after him.
Seolhyun's mother was on the phone with her husband because he forgot the credit card number. Seokjin ended up running all the way into the woods but not too far. Seolhyun yells at him to not go too far and runs after him. "Seokjin come back or I won't let you play with my easy bake oven anymore!" As she says that, she didn't notice the root of the tree barely poking out of the ground before her foot got stuck and her head hits the tree.
She blinks to adjust her blurry vision but it suddenly turns black and she lays there unconscious.
Seokjin stopped running and turned around because he couldn't hear Seolhyun anymore. "Seolhyun!" He yells and walks back. "Seolhyun if you jump out and scare me I will-" He gasps as he sees his best friend on the ground with blood on her knee. "Seolhyun! Seolhyun!" He screamed loud enough for her mother to realize that the kids weren't on the playground. She runs to Seokjin's voice and immediately grabs Seolhyun from the ground and runs with Seokjin back to the car. "What happened to her?" Seokjin replies between sobs. "I don't...know."
On the way to the hospital, Seokjin holds onto his unconscious best friend's hand. When they've arrived, the doctors were already prepared with a bed as they take her to the emergency room. Seolhyun's Mom grabs Seokjins hand and calls his parents and her husband to come to the hospital.
Seokjin sat next to Seolhyun's Mom as he rested his head on her lap while waiting for his parents. His eyes were puffy and one of his shoelaces came undone. He wonders if his best friend will be alright.
His eyelids became heavy over all the crying and before he knew it, he was already snoring.
Seolhyun's father finally showed up and her mother carefully reaches her free arm out to hug him. "I'm here. Seolhyun will be alright." He rubs her back to comfort her and helps her relax. As much as he wanted to cry, he wanted to be strong for his wife and comfort her.
After a few minutes Seokjin's parents finally showed up and comforted Seolhyun's parents. "I'm so sorry. If there's anything you need just let us know." Seokjin's Mom says.
Everyone waited patiently for the doctors to come out which only took about an hour or so. "How is she?" Seolhyuns father asks. "She had quite an impact on her head. She's alright for now but she might have a high chance of having amnesia." Seolhyun's mother shook her head and hugged her husband. "What if she doesn't remember me?" She yelled onto his chest. The doctor excused himself before going back in while her husbamd caressed her hair and whispered that Seolhyun will be fine.
Seokjin woke up right when the doctor came out and it took him a few minutes to understand what the doctor was saying. "Mommy, what's amnesia?" He whispered and she tries her best to explain. "She might forget some things honey." Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows. "Like me?" Seokjin asks,leaving his mother speechless. "We don't know." His Dad says and rests his hand on his wife's hand.
It was getting pretty late and Seokjin was getting worried, constantly asking if Seolhyun was gonna remember their favorite anime or favorite Mario Kart character which would be his being Mario, and hers being Toad. Seokjin's Dad suddently receives a phone call and had to step out right when the doctors came out to deliver the news.
"She has amnesia." Seolhyun's parents quickly asked if they could see her and they said yes. "Mom? Can we go see her?" She nods before grabbing Seokjin's hand and walking to Seolhyun's room. When they all stepped in she looked tired. Seokjin ran by her side. "How's your head Seolhyun?" Seolhyun looked at him confused. "What's your name?" Seokjin tilted his head. "You know my name." Seokjin teases and laughs but that wasn't the case for Seolhyun.
"Do you go to my school?" She asks making Seokjin frown. "Mom this isn't Seolhyun." Seokjin says. "I-I'll take Seokjin home. His Dad just texted me that we need to talk in the car. Get well soon Seolhyun." Seokjin's Mom waved at Seolhyun's parents before leaving with Seokjin.
It was then that Seokjin realised that Seolhyun forgot who her bestfriend was. Not only did Seolhyun forget him, but his Dad got a job offering in Seoul South Korea which will be far from his bestfriend.
This is the first ever Jin ff im writing and I hope my writing improves. I would like to thank linzay_22 for creating this plot so credits to her and I wanna apologise for not making this book way sooner and I hope this will make up for it. Please go give her a follow and check out her books as well.
I'm going to use my time on this book to improve on my writing and I hope I can become a better writer in the future.
Thank you for reading this first chapter, please wait for the next part because it will be coming soon!
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Ps: I cracked my phone for the first time and as i'm typing this i keep cutting my fingers with the broken glass.. hElp