Fate takes a big role in our lives whether it be love, tragedy, or life. It may go one way or another and it'll probably surprise you at the moment you least expect it to. Seokjin and Seolhyun were childhood friends but fate took its chance to break...
As soon as I got home, I threw my backpack down and threw myself on my bed. My piano lessons are such a waste of time when the teacher literally only taught us one piece and I'm actually learning nothing. Like it's such a beautiful instrument, (when it's being played.) A long exaggerated sigh left my mouth as I pushed my face into my pillow. My parents are probably still at their company trying to find another company to partner with to help their company go back to it's normal state.
One time my Mom took me there to grab some quick paperwork and boy was it a jungle in there. People were rushing from room to room with papers in their hands and many phone calls were being made and people being put on hold. There wasn't one single room that I could find that was quiet and peaceful.
I went downstairs to get something to eat while I do my homework and go to sleep only to dream about the same things over and over again on repeat. I should really see a psychiatrist. But to me, that'll probably be a waste of time considering that I don't just freely open up right then and there about things.
I decided to eat a bowl of cereal while doing my homework instead.
After a few drops of milk continuously dropping on my paper, I was already finished with everything as I slowly cleaned up, dreading for sleep to grasp me. I wish i could've slept peacefully without having to have the same dream over and over again.
Of course it was too late when my head hit the pillow and the comfort of my bed leading me off to a deep sleep.
"I don't know why your parents don't buy you strap on shoes." The word 'shoes' echoed around as the two children were tying their shoes. "Because they're for losers." The other child answers. "Says the seven year old that can't tie his shoes." The echoes only became louder and louder until the sound turned into a very sharp whistle. "Seolhyun Seolhyun Seolhyun!" The voice echoed around the sharp whistle. "When we get there, you wanna play tag tag tag tag?" The whistle couldn't have possibly gotten any louder.
"Make it stop! Please!" I yelled out while jolting up, drenched in sweat. Tears were falling down my cheeks as the quiet sobs left my mouth. This time it was 3 in the morning and there was no way I was going back to sleep. A huge headache came over me as I hugged my legs closer to my body. "No more," I whispered. "No more."
After a few hours later, I was already getting ready for school and trying to cover up the fact that I didn't get much sleep in a comfortable way you'd imagine. Today wasn't sunny so it wouldn't be hard to hide my grogginess. "Seol-" My Mom was about to call me. "I'm already up." She hummed. "That's a first." She said before hearing her walk away. At a time like this, I wish I could talk to her about my dreams. But knowing my Mom, she'll probably just come up with an excuse or dismiss anything that has nothing to do with the company. And like I said, she is too stressed to be handling my problems.
A yawn left my mouth as I walked out of my room to the kitchen. "You finally have time to eat." My Mom said with her work phone at her ear. I dragged myself to the kitchen stool and grabbed an apple that was more for decoration but we rarely had any guests. "It's today right? Ok I was just making sure. No, why would you think that? Do I?" My Mom was speaking on the phone to someone that was probably from her company. She didn't even acknowledge the state her daughter was in.
"I'm leaving." I told my Mom before throwing away my apple and walking out the door to my bus stop. The sun was hidden behind the thick grey clouds and the wind was barely blowing. When arriving at the bus stop, I leaned my head against the rail, feeling the gentle wind blow my hair back.
"Can we give her a ride?" I heard a familiar voice speak up and I looked around to see Taehyung sticking his head out of the window of the truck he was in. "No. She's obviously waiting for the bus." Seokjin, who was driving the truck, said while glaring at me for some unknown reason. "Look at her! She's obviously freezing!" Jungkook says. It wasn't even cold...and they're driving really slowly while speaking very loudly.
"I can hear you guys," I said. "And I don't need a ride. It's not even cold." Jimin smacked his lips leaving a little 'dang it' at the end. "We weren't even gonna give you one." Seokjin said and i shrugged my shoulders. "Ok? You're going really slow for someone who wasn't going to give me a ride." He rolls his eyes and takes off while the others stuck their hands out to wave at me. I don't know who spit in Seokjin's tea but he shouldn't have a problem with me when they just barely came to my school yesterday. Plus he doesn't even know me and I don't know him either yet I'm not the one with a problem.
The bus arrived after awhile and this time I had a seat on the bus. The sounds of people muttering or just simply breathing made me want to fall asleep but it would be embarrassing if I did because then I'd wake up screaming again. A few stops had came before I made it to my stop. Thankfully I didn't fall asleep.
In my first class, everyone was talking to their friends while the teacher waited for the bell to ring so she could teach. As soon as Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok walked in, some girls were whispering to their friends about who calls dibs on who. One of them called Yoongi and honestly, he looks like the type of person who would choke slam you if you touch him. Although I feel very tiny under his awkward stare.
"Seolhyun!" Hoseok said while walking to my desk. "Hello!" He waves his hands with a big smile on his face. I could already hear the girls talking, judging me even. "Hoseok I-" As i lifted my head he gasps. "You look tired." I sighed and rested my head on the desk. "I don't feel like talking today." Hoseok nods and pats my head with a sad expression. "I hope you're ok." He says before walking off. The bell rang and I sat up to listen to the teachers lecture, trying my best not to fall asleep.
The day seemed to be going by slow along with a depressing atmosphere. As lunch came, the boys would not stop bothering me with their sad expressions. (Except for seokjinand obviously Yoongi) "Seolhyun? Are you ok?" Jimin asked. "Why would you ask her that? Look at her!" Jungkook says. "She's obviously on her period." Seokjin said and I glared at him. "I just want to be alone." I said but Seokjin was quick to scoff. "Then you can leave." I don't have patience for the bullshit that was coming out of his mouth. "I had this table first."
"Did it have your name on it?" He asked and I had enough. "What the hell is your problem?!" I screamed loud enough for the people inside to hear me.
I'm too lazy to revise/ edit soooo..i also haven't updated in a long time so sorry for that. I'll try though. :) Thank you for reading!
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