Bathroom troubles

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-Felix POV-

I woke up to Chris, Dean, and Phil sitting at the bathroom door. What happened now, can I not rest for thirty minutes without some major catastrophe happening?

As I got up and walked to the door I realized that Pj was the one inside. How long has he been in there?

"What's going on?" I ask, kneeling down to the three boys on the floor.

"He's been in there for hours" says Dean, yawning from staying in one spot for so long.

It was too silent in there and I began to panic. I banged my fists against the door and waited for a response. Nothing.

"Get up, all of you." I grunt still banging on the door.

Once they all get up I organized a plan to kick in the door. Which didn't work the first few times but eventually.

"Ok ready. ONE TWO.....THREE!" All of us ram into the door and open it up to see Pj on the floor hugging his knees.

We all look at each other trying to figure out what to do next.

"Hey I'll take care of Pj you guys head down stairs" I say ushering them out of the bathroom.

I turn around and get to my knees staring at Pj. His arms were covered in scratches from his nails piercing into his skin. I look him in the eyes to see that they were completely bloodshot with red circles under both eye. His skin was so much lighter than it was before too.

"Peej, buddy? Is everything ok?" I scan over  his body making sure nothing was to serious of an injury.

Pj looked up at me and opened his mouth reveling two sharp fangs. " It happened" he said his voice sounding sore most likely from crying.

"Oh.. Well that's ok we all can help trust me"

"I didn't want to come back here"

"I- well I know you don't but you needed to"

"You made me come here even though you knew something like this would happen!"

"Hey! Listen you may not think this was the best idea and I have to admit I was skeptical about it too but if we work together you can go home sooner."

"Why am I here anyway?"

"We are trying to prove Sean not guilty and maybe even get Dan back."

"I don't want Dan back he doesn't need to be back."

" I know he did bad things to you in the past bu-"

"He almost killed me!"

" I know just maybe he will get better, the doctors said he was improving."

I suddenly notice blood trickling down Pj's wrist. Quickly, I turn his arm over to reveal many cuts scattered over his arm.


Pj starts to cry and pulls his arm away trying to stop the blood.

"I'm sorry. I know I said I would stop I just I.. I couldn't" He says in between sobs. I don't say anything else I just pull him into my arms and let him cry on my shoulder.

Sean wasn't the first priority anymore. Helping Pj was.

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