Chapter 1 - Date Night

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It was a clear night in Bergen Town, The Trolls and Bergens were getting along nicely. Greeting each other in the streets, everyone's smiling. All was well and it seemed like an ordinary night. But for 2 trolls, it wasnt ordinary. It was their first date. Poppy and Branch's obviously. And since Branch had never been on a first date before, he tried to make this one extra special for his extra special girl ;). He decided to try and make this one of the best things he'd done. He tried making a scrapbook which even though wasnt that good, it was the best it could do. it had a pop up of him and Poppy with a giant heart between them. In sort out glitter just like Poppy's and was pretty colourful. He was proud. Next, he needed to set a location. he found a spot just outside Bergen Town which was perfect for gazing upon the stars. Then, he needed to plan the dinner. Branch wasnt the best cook but he remembers somethings that his grandma taught him how to cook like grilled cheese, Mac'n'Cheese and stuff like that. He went all out on this first date. He was so exited. But was so nervous as well. One part of his conscience kept saying "what if she doesn't like it ? What if she hates it?" and the other part of his conscience was like "Oh she's gonna love this. This will be the best date ever!"

At Poppy's house, she was also getting ready for the date. She was so exited. She wore her typical blue dress a hair tied up into a ponytail. her father, the now retired and former King Peppy, walked in to see how she was doing before the date. "How's my princess doing this evening?" he asked. "Ooh I'm great. I'm just nervous. I don't know what to do or say." Poppy replied. "Just be yourself and speak from your heart like you always have Poppy." Peppy said trying to calm his nervous daughter. Hugging her soon after. "Thanks dad. I love you!" She said as we skipped out of her room. "I love you too Poppy." Peppy said as he smiled. Not knowing that those were his last words to his daughter.

On the gates of Bergen Town, Branch was waiting for his date. And then he saw her. "Branch!" She yelled. "Poppy!" He yelled back. They ran towards each other and greeted each other with a big hug. "Now put on this blindfold, I've got a surprise for you." Branch said as he tied the blindfold around her head. He walked her carefully to the spot where he laid out everything on a mat. "Ready?" He asked. "I was born ready!" Poppy yelled in excitement. Branch took off the blindfold."Surprise!" Branch yelled. Poppy gasped at the sight. Branch picked up the scrapbook he made and said "I made this for you. I know its terrible but this is my first time. I hope the queen of scrapbooking likes it." "Oh my gosh, Branch, I love it!" She said as she gave him a big hug. They both sat down and started eating dinner. It was such a romantic atmosphere. This was the best First date both of them had been on.

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