Chapter 4 - Everybody Hates Poppy

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It was the day of the funeral. Poppy hadn't left her house ever since she found her dad's corpse. She was so sad and so angry at who did that to him. She knew that she and her friends would find out who did this. But little did she know that all her friends think it's her. At the funeral, everyone was wearing black. As the casket lowered into the ground, Poppy was so overcome with emotion, her tears fell on the Branch's shoulder. After the funeral, Poppy stayed behind at the grave site, where she had laid some Poppy flowers on her father's grave. Very fitting as her father came up with her name. Then behind her, The Snack Pack walked up. "We know you did this." Said Biggie. Branch replied "Excuse me?" "We all know you did this." Said the fashion twins. Poppy looked at them in disbelief. She thought they were her friends, not a jury. Heartbroken even more by what her friends said, she got up and ran to her house. Sobbing so much that she left a trail of tears. "What is wrong with you guys? You seriously think somebody as kind hearted as her would murder her own father?" Branch snapped at the snack pack in anger. They all nodded back at him. He shook his head in frustration and went to find Poppy. He followed the trail that led back to her house.

"Poppy? You in here?" He yelled. He then heard cries in the background. He walked into Poppy's bedroom. She was crying her eyes out with a pillow pasted against her face. "You really think they're serious?" Branch asked. Poppy replied "I don't know Branch. It's one thing losing your father, but it's another losing your childhood friends." Branch hugged her in an attempt to comfort her. "Poppy, no matter what, ill always be your friend. Dont ever forget that." he said in another attempt. "I just need some alone time." Poppy said, still crying. "Anything for you love." Branch replied before hugging her and leaving her room.

That night, Poppy tried to sleep, hoping that this was all a dream. But she couldn't. She was so overcome with grief and sadness, all she could do was stare at the ceiling. She overheard a few other trolls other trolls talking outside her window. "You heard what Queen Poppy did? She murdered her father!" One of them said. "She is the worst leader the trolls have ever known!" Another said. Hearing these harsh words, Poppy's eyes filled up with tears again. She got out of bed, packed a backpack, put on her jacked as it was cold that night, and left. She left a note on her bed for Branch. On the outskirts of Bergen Town, Poppy turned around and looked back the kingdom. She teared up once again and said to herself "What did I do?" Afterwards she walked further and further away from the town and started to sing the song In The End By Linkin Park. Once she closed up the song, she sat down by a river and turned grey. 

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