What if it's not there/What if it is?
What if they lied/What if they spoke truth?
What if it's chance/What if it's destiny?
What if I'm wrong/What if I'm right?
What if we're lost/What if we're not?
What if they hate us/What if they don't?
What if this happens/What if it doesn't?
What if I say no/What if I say yes?
What if I don't love you/What if I do?
Where is the answer/Is there even one?
What if we're just
one step
idkI saw this on Dawson and Rush's works and wanted to do it too
this wasn't quite what I was expecting it to be
Ransoms and Ramblings
RandomDumping unnecessary thoughts on people since 2017! (less urgent than updates in DragonNadder's Updates book. Please go there for more important information than these ramblings.) Contains "late-night" dumps of randomness, short stories, poetry, and...