- one

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ONE | the part where they meet.

     julie opened her book and leaned against the cold window, her eyes roaming through the many words inside it

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julie opened her book and leaned against the cold window, her eyes roaming through the many words inside it. she read till it felt like hours, when really only about fifteen minutes had passed. she knew literature happened to be long, but that's what she enjoyed about it; being able to travel years in only a matter of a few minutes. it was slow yet fast, if that makes any sense at all.

her peaceful reading session was soon to be interrupted by a german couple fighting, who also happened to be seated incredibly near her. she just stared at them, not to get them to see she was annoyed, because really she wasn't, but she wanted to know what they were arguing about. although she couldn't understand one word that fell out of their mouths, she searched for any type of sign on their face. but still, nothing. guess not everyone is easy to read.

getting frustrated at the lack of information, she grabbed her book, jacket, and reached for her suitcase found on the top shelf to place your belongings on. she made her way towards the seats near the far back, then sat and placed her belongings back in order once she found a seat she liked.

she reopened her book, reading from where she left off a few minutes ago. she continued, never noticing or feeling the stare of a green eyed boy sitting close by her. the german couple from earlier argued with even louder voices this time, the wife standing up, walking towards the exit into the cafe car. his husband followed her, as well as his never ending screams.

julie finally caught the gaze of the boy staring directly at her, not knowing what to do, so she stared back. the boy let out a sigh and laughed. "woah, that was one hell of a show."

she gave him a smile, not knowing what to do or say once again. he looked at her with confusion, "you don't speak english?"

julie looked at him and shook her head, "oh no i do! i just didn't really know how to answer that."

a small "ah" left his mouth as he nodded. he looked away for a moment, giving her some time to study him. he had very nice structured cheekbones and jawline, as well as dark eye bags that somehow complimented his face so well, his long curly hair fell upon his face. is he tired or does he just look like that?

his nose was curved at the end, very pixie like. she recognized the shape of it. maybe he had some french in him, according to his nose of course.

he turned to look at her and said, "you have an accent, where are you from?"

"paris, i'm actually on my way there." she answered, a smile growing on her face at the thought of going back home.

"nice nice," he took a pause, then continued. "i'm assuming you already have an idea of where i'm from?"

julie nodded and smirked. "america."

he nodded back at her, chuckling a bit. "new york, to be exact."

"if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing across the world from home?"

"work," he simply answered. "now if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing away from home?"

she chuckled, "i visited my grandma at budapest, it had almost been a year since i had last seen her. i really enjoyed it."

the boy smiled, somehow finding her cute although all she did was answer his question. "i'm glad you did."

she looked down and muttered a soft "thanks" as she played with the hem of her dress.

"i'm timothée, by the way." she looked up. in her mind she spelled it as timothy, since that is the way he had pronounced it. just when she was about to introduce herself, he spoke again. "well it's actually pronounced as tee-mo-tay. it's french, i figured since you're french, you'd know how to pronounce it."

"ah," she laughed, then waved her hand. "i'm julie, nice to meet you timothée." he was right, she pronounced right and beautifully.

"very nice to meet you as well, julie."

they sat in silence for some time, the sound of distant conversations filling their ears. julie realized that she was intrigued by timothée, that was a fact, but she knew she couldn't do much. she'd be returning home soon, far far away from him. looking at him felt ethereal, it was weird, really, for had she never felt this way before towards someone. but they had just met, therefor her emotions could really be nothing.

julie looked down at her lap; timothée looked at her. he now studied her, taking in her glowy skin, shining as the sunlight fell on her. he really liked her short, blonde hair. it complimented her face. he noticed her small button nose, which was another thing he found extremely adorable about her. he took a picture of her with his eyes, and he planned on keeping it forever.

"what do you think they were arguing about?" he suddenly asked, cutting julie's thoughts midway.

her eyebrows furrowed. "hm?"

"the germans," he said. "what do you think they were arguing about?"

"i wouldn't know, i don't speak german. but it looked very intense. very serious as well." julie explained.

timothée nodded to agree with her. "i don't know why, but i feel like after this train ride, they will no longer be much of a couple."

now it was julie's turn to nod in agreement. "yeah."

"hey how about we go down to the cafe? i'm in need of some good coffee." he asked randomly.

julie thought about it for a moment, then let herself loose. "yeah," she paused, standing up without her book or jacket. "yeah, let's go."

that was timothée's cue to stand up as well, soon to be found face to face next to her. this instantly made julie feel much more small than she already was.

she looked up at him. "how tall are you?"

timothée looked at her with admiration, julie had no idea why. but it was because he found her extremely cute, now more than ever (ever as in referring to about ten minutes ago). "i'm six feet," he replied, looking proud.

"oh," julie said, adjusting her posture. "well i'm five feet," she held up two fingers. "and two inches tall."

he looked at her, stifling a laugh. "i am incredibly intimated by that."

she playfully pushed him. "shut up."

they both laughed as they walked out of the car into the cafe. it wasn't empty, but it wasn't packed. they found a table near a window (well to be fair, all of the tables are right next to a window, so they didn't really have much of a choice). they ordered their coffees, the young adults enjoying each other's company.

they both happened to be on the same train. the train where a relationship was torn apart, and the train where a relationship would soon blossom.

quick note: feel free to imagine julie as whoever you want! i might write about her appearance a certain way to fit haley lu richardson, but since i know sometimes we have our own way of imagining characters, it's totally fine if you see another person playing her (frick, it can even be yourself!) :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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