Paisley Blind

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I moan as I roll over onto my side, with some dificulty. It feels like I've been sleeping for days, yet tiredness consumes me. My eyes flutter open and shut. After several minutes I finally manage to keep them open long enough to see I'm lying on the floor of a trashed apartment building. My legs and arms are bound with tough yellow rope, that scratches me whenever I make any movement, whether minute or large. It's the kind of rope your school would use in a tug-of-war.

My mind is still groggy. At the moment I have no memory of why, or how I got to be here. It's obvious I didn't come willingly though. 

Glancing around I see the room I'm in in the apartment is approximately 8 X 9. Boxes are strewn all around me, as well as pieces of garbage. My back is to the door, and I'm facing the wall with the only window in the room. It's covered with a tattered paisley curtain; the bar slightly bent. 

I hear a creak come from behind me. I stay unnaturally still, and close my eyes; fearing who it might be. Swearing as they trip over a box I manage to decipher the voice as a girl's. Probably in her twenties. She's stepped over me at this point, and I dare to look up at her under my lashes.

She's petite with a slim figure. Her hair tied back into a tight bun; her skin oddly stretched due to this. Tattered jeans and a t-shirt, paired with battered black Chuck's. Catching my eye she cocks her head and kneels down.

"Haelya. I like the sound of that name... The taste of it on my tongue. But I imagine you get that a lot. It's a unique name. One you can call your own. I wish I had that."

Before I can even sputter a word out, she's turned on her heel and left the room. Making one vital mistake in the process.

With the door  wide open I am able to see out into a dark hallway. An unearthly chill sneaks it's way into the room, wrapping me up in it's unescapable hold. I can't seem to keep my eyes from the hall, but at the same time I can't seem to keep them open. 

My body fights to ward off this strange feeling. A sudden burst of energy enters my body. My mind clears and I start to chew at this rope. It's no good and I know there's not much time. I roll onto my stomach and start to dig through one of the boxes beside me awkwardly. It's mainly full of old knick knacks, nothing useful. As I'm about to move onto the next box, a flash of silver jumps out at me. It's a dull pocket knife, but it's probably the best I'll get.

Working as quickly as I possibly can, I take the knife in my teeth and start sawing at my restraints. It's a long an tiring process, and I don't know how much energy I have left; fearing the return of one of my captors. 

Pushing myself up off my stomach I set to work untieing the bonds around my feet. This takes very little time and before I know it I'm out the door creeping along the dark corridor. 

After a few feet I come to a door. 

"I don't know if I can do this anymore Randy!" 

"Whatta ya mean?! We've been planning this for weeks. Stop being such a pussy and grow some balls!"

I recognize the girl's voice immediately, but the other-obviously a man named Randy-I've never heard before.

"Balls aren't that great in my opinion. One swift kick by a girl, and you're lying on the ground bawling like a baby."

"Stop changing the subject. If you won't do it, I will."

"NO!! Fine...." her voice goes quiet at the end of her sentence.

"Hm? What was that?" His voice shows an obvious smirk.

"You heard what I said. Don't rub it in."

I hear the shuffling of feet and realize I listened to long. The doorknob starts to turn....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2012 ⏰

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