Part 6

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Tessa POV

"Huh" I stuttered pulling my hair behind my ear.
What do I do??
I pulled me in closer with his hand behind my ear. His touch was so gentle, like it was meant to happen. We closed our eyes and my world was flipped upside down.
His lips were warm and soft, there was something so perfect about him.
I felt him slide his other hand down the side of my waist pulling me closer to him.
Everything slowed, making the moment longer.
My leg slid beside him as he slowly lay me down on top of the bed, still kissing me.
Our skin touching like our bodies where meant to be together. Everything just felt so right.
I decided to put my hands over his chest, scrolling up his abs.
He was so warm.
I grabbed to hem of his shirt and slowly dragged it up over his face.
As his lips left mine I'd entered back into the reality and realised I was kissing Isaac Burns, the new kid, the hottest kid in my opinion.
Once his shirt was gone I placed my hand onto his shoulders pulling him closer.
His hands were now on my waist pulling me closer.
It seemed we both had the same idea, the same dirty desire.
Beep beep
We both suddenly froze, his eyes staring into mine.
My mums car
Suddenly I jumped up pushing his body away as I scampered to the window, peeking over.
"My mum" I said
We quickly ran around the room stressing about what to do. Isaac picked up his shirt and threw it on then ran to me for answers.
"What do we do?" He asked close to my body. I could barely resist the edge to freeze time again and kiss him, but I couldn't, I just couldn't.
"Follow me" I grabbed his arm and We tip toed out of my room and to the bathroom.
I opened up the window above the toilet which led out onto the roof.
"Climb onto there and jump, I'll distract her" I pointed onto the roof. He looked at the roof and back at me. And without any questions he caught my cheek and pecked it gently, flashing me a smile before he climbed out the window and onto the roof.
I quickly ran down the stairs to meet my mum at the door.
"Mum! Your home early" I exclaimed
"Oh hey hun, how was school? You doing okay?" He asked holding my shoulder
"It was horrible, I felt so sick just thinking about Celia, and it so hard to concentrate" I said, kind of lying, kind of not.
"Oh honey I'm sorry to hear that" she said pulling me into a hug. I looked out the window to see Isaac running off down the street and looking back at the house.
"Um so I think I'm just going to have a lay down" I said gesturing to my room.
"Okay well we can have takeouts tonight" he patted my back
"Thanks mum" I said as I walked off to my room.
Once I'd shut the door I fell backwards into my bed smiling at myself.
I never wanted to forget that amazing feeling.
I turned my head and saw my phone. I quickly snatched it and dialled Kendall.
"Hello Kendall speaking" she answered quickly
"Hey Kenny" I said giggling to myself.
"Tess? Why do you still have your phone number on private?" She asked
"Kendall you remember that gorgeous hunk called Isaac?" I smirked to myself
"Of course I do" she laughed over the line
"He's not just good looking" I smiled holding my excitement in
"What do you mean...oh my gosh Tess" she said
"Haha" I giggled
"Did you two like..get it on?" She asked
"What? No!" I sat up suddenly shocked "he kissed me you idiot" I said.
"Eeeee! No you didn't shut up!" She squealed. I pulled the phone away squinting.
"Haha yep, and it was amazing" I said remembering him.
"Tessa you beast" she continued to laugh and I joined in.
"So hands of" I laughed, joking
"Haha no promises, nah I'm kidding he's all yours" she joked back.
I turned my attention to my laptop and saw a new Facebook notification.
"Omg" I whispered into the phone.
"What?..what!" Kendal, demanded to know.
I clicked on the message to open it and read out loud to Kendall.
"Isaac Burns- you are gorgeous Tessa Finnmore"
"You are the luckiest girl on the planet" Kendall squealed.
"What do I say? What do I say back?" I asked stressing out.
"Tell him uh... uh I don't know!" She freaked out "just sent like a smile face or like.." she paused.
I put the phone down and on speaker and put my fingers on the keyboard thinking for a while.
And the typed...
See you tomorrow Isaac ;)

Sorry if this was a super short and lame chapter, any helpful criticism is encouraged 😊
Hope this is an interesting book, I'm enjoying writing it.

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