Part 14

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The lights shone over us as we stood terrified, whimpering as the silhouettes of people sat in the stage, whispering to each other.
I looked to my left to see an older girl hunched over, tears wetting her dress, her hair hung over like a dirty mop with dry blood stuck at her ear.
What did they do to her?!
I quickly swallowed my fear and snapped my head to the audience. My eyes darted from figure to figure trying to avoid contact. It was hard not to look people in the eyes, especially when I was actually, I needed grounded, I need to see the danger and look it in the face.
I shivered as a group of men shuffled in their chairs, murmuring quietly, but the tone in the voice didn't sound like I was going to be let off. One of them pointed his finger at the stage and nodded his head at someone of to the side. This heavily stopped up the stairs and into the stage lights, he looked back at the man for directions. My heart sank low into my chest. He turned to look at me, his dirty face, thing arms and patchy beard made me feel like I didn't have much competition at making it out of this place, but he wasn't my concern. He grabbed my arm, his grip was tighter than I expected and he pulled me towards the stairs.
My chin quivered and my body began to shake in fear, my feet refused to move and I opened my mouth to beg when he halted, he looked back at the crowd and paused.
He lost his group and shuffled over to the next girl to the left.
She didn't resist, in fact she didn't even lift her head, she looked barely alive. He pulled her off and she dragged with him like a dog, she knew what they'd do if she refused.
Someone from behind the curtain yelled "numbers in, second herd at 4" and 2 men entered to pull us off.
When suddenly a man yelled out from within the shadowed crowd. My heart raced, I was so close, only second always from leaving the stage and being hidden by the curtain.
The guard held his hand, stopping us from leaving. Everyone waited, holding their breathe. I felt my knees shake, I nearly collapsed and as I wobbled the guard grabbed my arm tightly lifting me up on my feet. The pain chit through my arm and I winced.
"I'll take the one on the end" I heard him say, the words came from a smirk on his face and through his grinning teeth. He said it greed and evil.
The guard snatched the last girl and she erupted in a fight. She screamed and cried kicking him in the balls and throwing a punch at his nose. Without realising a shocked smile curled at the end of my lips. As a man ran out from behind the curtain I leaned at him, I kicked at his leg, striking him down. As we both got a few punches in more guys pulled us away, separating us, taking her down into the crowd.
As I was dragged away down a hall I was thrown back into my cell, crashing onto the floor.
"You'll pay for what you did out there" came a voice. It was Isaacs.
I rolled my eyes I frustration. I struggled to sit up but I had to see his face, his stupid.....good looking face.
A frown hijacked my face as I glared at him. He seem frustrated as well.
"Why did you do this to me?!" I screamed deeply
His face shot white for a second, as if stunned by my action. I saw a breath fill his chest but he didn't release it.
"Because you were easy" he said.
My throat began to swell and tears welled in my eyes
"I know that's not true!" My voice cracked. He began to turn away. "I trusted to you, I felt things for you!" I continued to yell, then he left, slamming the door between us heavily. I jumped up running towards the big began door pounding my fists on the door. "You're going to hell for this!" I yelled angrily as tears streamed down my cheeks and onto the concrete floor. I slid down agains the wall holding my face.
I heard his steps echo down the hall.
My head stared up at the ceiling thinking....i'
The dim light shone down on me, then an idea appeared. It wasn't exactly genius but anything would help right about now.
I looked over at the table and sprung to life, then in my steps I froze, my eyes widened and I slowly turned towards the corner. The camera! How could I forget!
I stood there for seconds thinking of a solution. I grabbed the dress and tore off the hem at the bottom, and ripped of a long strip, which unfortunately made the dress a lot shorter. I took the fabric and the chair and reached up towards the camera, wrapping the fabric around the light.
Its only a matter of time before they see I'm up to something. I pushed the table under one of the lights and jumped up onto it. I scratched at the frame around the light trying to loosen it.
Cement around it began to chip and I threw my fists at it which eventually caused it to pop off. I crashed to the floor and I jumped down to pick it up. I grabbed the chair and lifted it above my shoulders. I stared at the solid floor and suddenly threw it down with all my might, trying not to scream as my anger unleashed. The chairs shattered into pieces. I looked for the best piece when I spotted one of the legs. I snatched it and ran over to the door.
Holding the light frame and the wooden leg I quickly began chipping away at the wood, trying to sharpen the end. It did nothing but dent it. My face scrunched up in defeat.
"! This has to work!" I cried out quietly.
I threw the objects down in frustration holding my hands in my hair.
I sat motionless, nothing ran through my mind, I felt hopeless.
Then suddenly someone's foot steps stopped outside the door.

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