1: Alarm Call

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"Zephyr, my client here needs a mystery solved", said Attorney Clio Priam Erato. "I'm hoping you may be able to help him."

"I'll be glad to try Dad."

A tall, darked-haired young man bowed and shook hands with Zephyr Philomele Erato as the lawyer introduced him. "This is Anchises Nereids Lee or perhaps I should say chingu Lee since he comes from Korea."

The young man smiled. "Simply Anchises Lee will do very well, kamsa."

He was certainly handsome, Zephyr observed, with finely chiseled features that included a high-bridge, slightly aquiline nose and strong, dimpled chin. His wide-set, dark eyes were especially striking.

"I am told you have a great talent for solving mystery, Miss Erato," he went on.

The lovely young sleuth, whose red-gold hair and sparkling blue eyes were among here own most striking features, smiled back. "You'd beter take nothing for granted until we see if I can help in your case," she chuckled. "Tell me all about it."

The Korean man explained that as he had no relatives, he had closed his family's small house near Riviera before coming to America.

"While disposing some of my grandfather's belongings," Anchises continued "I came across this letter."

He handed Zephyr a folded sheet of blue stationary. To her suprise, it bore an engraved address in her own hometown of Melopomene Hieghts and the name Scylla Cervantes. According to the typewritten date in one corner, the letter had been written thirty years ago. It read:

Dear T. Lee
While tracing an ancestress of mine, I have made a startling discovery which maybe of great importance to both of us.
I prefer to say nothing more until all the facts are clear. But I'm planning a trip to Korea soon, and shall look forward to informing you in person of some exciting news at that time.
Sincerly yours,
Scylla Cervantes

Zephyr raised her eyes from the letter in a questioning glance at the young Korean man.

"Do you know if this Cervantes woman ever didcome to visit you grandfather?"

Anchises Lee responded with a quizzical shrug. "I have no idea. That is why I first consulted your father."

Clio Priam Erato spoke up. "You see ,Zephyr, that address on the letter no longer exist. Apparently the house was torn down some years ago to make way for an industrial park. So Lee asked me to try a d trace Scylla Cervantes."

"Any luck, Dad?"

"I'm afraid not. From town hall records, I learned that Miss Cervantes has been dead for many years. She died soon after that letter was written,in fact. However, her will is on file at the county courthouse, and by checking out names from that source, I learned that she hasone living descendant, grandniece named Thallia Alcides."

Zephyr frowned reflectively. "Sounds familiar. I wonder if I've ever met her."

"Quite possibly. Or you may have seen her name on the society page of the record at some other time or other. She's the daughter of wealthy bussiness man Norton Alcides."

Zephyr turned back to Anchises. "And have you talked to Miss Alcides?"

"Ne, I have seen her on several occasions, but she and her father had never even heard of Scylla Cervantes letter to my grandfather." With a slight flush, Koreanman added, "Unfortunately Mr. Alcides was not very kindly. I might even say that he made no secret of disliking me. As a result niether he nor Thallia was of much help."

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