Not Exactly

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When Kara first met her it was in an unexpected way, she was about to drown trying to save a submarine that was sinking. It had 20 people and Kara was not about to let them die, however she was getting weaker due to lack of breath. Kara was flying up with all her might, she really thought that she wasn't going to make it but some mysterious girl showed up and helped her with the submarine. She didn't stay around long enough for Kara to thank her or even ask her what her name was. Kara didn't think she'd see her again but she did, she saw her at her best-friend's office. Kara wasn't mistaking she knew that it had to be her. 

  The girl had bright blue eyes, however, they were dull as if she had seen her fair share of pain in her life, her black hair was cut short, almost like it was meant for a boy Kara thought. The girl wasn't that tall and she was dressed in some slacks in a button-up shirt, if you didn't focus well enough you would probably mistake her for a guy. Kara went up to talk to her but the girl was really formal, always using ma'am to address her. Kara asked Lena about the girl and Lena didn't give her much just told her that the girl's name was Eden and that she needed a summer job and Lena found no harm in giving it to her. As time went by Kara noticed that Eden was really nice with Lena and that Lena had actually grown greatly attached to Eden. Kara eventually let it go that the girl didn't like her, she was shocked because she was the most lovable person or that what she had been told. One day Kara couldn't take it and she couldn't help but ask, 

"Why don't you like me?" Kara questioned. "You've been here for nine weeks and you still hate me."

"Miss Danvers," Eden spoke taking a second to compose herself. "It's nothing personal; me and you aren't really required to be friends. If anything I'm required to be antiquated with you because I'm Lena's secretary." With that Eden walked away. Kara didn't know how to respond to what she had been told but she decided that maybe it was for the best for her to leave things as they are. She knew that the girl had powers and she had had the Fort Rozz prisoner database checked for Eden but Eden didn't pop up. 

Kara let it go and another two weeks went by and she had done something in the past that she wasn't sure how it would affect her. Seven weeks ago she had slept with her best friend. Kara was still trying to get herself together from Mon-El choosing to return to his plant over staying with her, Kara used Lena as her rebound and for that, she could never forgive herself. She loved Lena, she truly did but she knew that she wasn't ready for a relationship and she wasn't sure she wanted to give Lena false hope. If she broke Lena's heart she would never forgive herself. She knew that her friend had been through enough pain already in her life. Kara was going to talk with Lena and explain the situation, but Lena surprised her with the news that she was pregnant. Kara didn't know what to say and just congratulated her. Kara told Lena she would make a great mother. However Kara was taken aback when Lena told her the baby was hers, Kara laughed that wasn't possible. She knew how her Kryptonian DNA worked and it wasn't capable of getting a woman pregnant. Kara instantly defended herself and accused Lena of lying and it went south from there. Lena got defensive telling Kara that she knew very well that she was Supergirl. Kara stood up ready to leave when Lena was about to place something in her hand. Kara saw that it was the necklace her mother gave her. Kara had given it to Lena a few days ago. 

"Keep it." Kara answered. "I gave it to you because you are my friend, and I deeply care about you. Right now though I can't be around you if you're gonna insist that your child is mine when I know it isn't." Kara exited L-Corp and left Lena crying. Kara knew that Lena cried all night that night. Kara didn't sleep that whole night as she heard Lena's sobs. Kara hoped that Lena would come to her senses and tell her that she was mistaken. 

Three weeks went by after that night and Kara and Lena hadn't spoken. Every time Kara tried to see Lena she was told that Lena was at a meeting or not available at the time. Kara called over thirty times but each call went unanswered. She also left a couple of voicemails that she hoped Lena at least listened to them. Kara just wanted to know that Lena was okay that the woman was taking care of herself. Kara's worry was cut short when she was called over to the DEO. She quickly flew there her sister didn't tell her what was happening but there was an attack. 

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