Fix It

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Lena was exhausted she had been at the office all day. It had been a crazy week since Eden went back to the future. Lena couldn't believe that one day in the future she would fully know the amazing person she met last week.

Jess had fixed her schedule so that Lena would no longer have to leave the office at the crack of dawn. Jess had made it her life mission to get Lena out if the office by 9pm.

"Miss Luthor, Kara Danvers is here to see you." Jess said as she popped her head into Lena's office.

"Tell Miss Danvers I can't see her right now." Lena told her employee. Lena was still upset with Kara. She wanted to forgive her but a small part of Lena was still hurt. Hurt that Kara didn't believe her at first. Why would she lie to Kara. She had no reason to.

Lena spent the rest of the day working and setting up meetings for the following week and deciding when she wanted to go public about the pregnancy. All her peaceful thinking got interrupted by her phone. Lena glances at it and saw that it was a message from Alex. The message said Kara really needed to see her that it was an emergency. Lena decided to ignore the message. She didn't want to see Kara not until she was ready.

Lena made her way out of her office it was only 6 in the afternoon and Lena was pleasantly surprised with how early she ended.

"Did you see on the news Miss Luthor Supergirl was seriously injured today." Lena turned to Jess. She was not aware of what had happened. She had been too busy trying to ignore Kara and Alex that she never thought much of what the possible emergency could be. 

"No," Lena said. "Jess I have to go reschedule everything that I have for tomorrow. I won't be coming in." Jess gave Lena a nod and with that Lena left her office. She let her driver know that she would be driving in her own car and as quick as she could Lena made her way to the DEO base. 

   When she arrived at the DEO she was let in right away. It was an unspoken rule Lena was always let in right away because they knew she was Supergirl's best friend despite her last name. 

"What the hell happened?" Lena demanded an answer the second she saw Alex getting closer to her. Alex did not answer, which left Lena more worried than what she already was. "How bad is it?" 

"She is resting now. She was badly injured but she will recover. She blew out her powers so she is human." Lena was shocked by all the information. She was aware that Kara could blowout her powers but she didn't think she's lived to see that day. This meant that Kara was powerless, vulnerable to the whole world.

"She wants to talk to you." Lena nodded her head and went to the room where Kara was and her heart dropped. She wanted to make Kara better. She wanted to switch places with her, she wanted to make Kara be okay because the world needed supergirl but no one needed Lena Luthor. Then she remembered the world didn't need her but her child did. 

     After three days Kara was still without powers and agents were taking turns keeping an eye on her, but Alex and J'onn took it upon themselves to watch her and give the agents a break. They had followed Kara to Lena's office and were surprised when the CEO let the blonde into her office without a fight. 

"Lena please talk to me." Kara begged right away she was on a mission to get Lena to forgive her. 

"Kara," Lena spoke in the softest voice that anyone had ever heard. "we have nothing to talk about." Before any of them could speak J'onn spoke up for them. 

"Look I can read both of your minds." He stated. "Clearly neither of you wants to talk it out and figure out what the best option is, so I am offering this only once. I can erase both your memories of Eden and you two can let the situation play out. Let fate run it course" 

"Do it." Lena said in a heartbeat. She did not want to remember anything about what had happened in the past couple of days. Kara, on the other hand, wanted all her memories she wanted to fight for her family but she knew that if J'onn took their memories they would only remember the fight they had. 

"Do it." Kara stated defeated. She was in love with Lena and if they were meant to be they would make their way back to each other.


Life went on, Kara and Lena did not remember Eden, neither did Alex. J'onn was the only one that remembered even then he had agreed that he would not interfere, he had to let life play itself out. 

"Bullshit Kara," Alex yelled. "There is more to why Lena is mad at you? Lena can never stay mad at you." 

"Alex, why won't you drop it?" Kara was starting to get frustrated. 

"Because the world doesn't make sense when you and Lena are fighting," Alex stated as she shot up from the couch. "Kara stop being so stubborn. Go makeup with your best friend." 

Kara gave in and did what her sister told her. She found herself standing outside of Lena's office. Jess was out sick and she knew that the temp secretary didn't know she wasn't allowed in to see Lena. 

When Kara walked in she couldn't help but smile. She really did miss her best friend. She missed having someone to talk to about the simple things in her day, she missed having Lena around. 

"Kara, what are you doing here?" Kara could tell that Lena was upset that she was there, but Kara was not going to give up she had made it this far. 

"I want to apologize," Kara told her best friend. "I have been thinking about what we talked about. The way I reacted it was very disrespectful but I would like to explain myself if you would hear me out please??" Lena gave Kara the okay and they sat down on the couch Lena had in her office. She took a deep breath before beginning her explanation. 

"The news you gave me was a shock. I never thought I would be a parent on Earth. The reason for that is because I am terrified that I am going to die and leave that child without a parent or even worst, I will be a horrible parent, but none of this is the point. After you told me I went to talk to a hologram of my mother." Kara took a moment to breathe and wipe a couple of tears away. "She explained to me that your pregnancy happened because we had some special connection and I know that true. You're my best friend Lena and I will be with you every step of the way. I am your child's mother and I won't bail. Just allow me to be there." 

Lena took a good look at her friend. "Are you sure? We can still do a DNA test if you want when the baby is born." 

Kara shook her head no. "According to the hologram, we are connected. I don't know what it means but it said something about a strong connection." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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