When Perfect Gets Hard

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My eyes fluttered open to the sound of birds chirping outside and rays of sun shining through my big picture windows. Rolling over to the other side of my bed, I got a glimpse of my clock. 8:15.


I sprang up out of my bed running for the bathroom, but my eyes were still groggy making it hard to see in front of me causing clumsy me to trip right then and there.

"What the hell?!" I practically yelled as I threw the shoe that I fell over out of the way and got back up to finish my task, swearing and mumbling to myself in the process. I was already going to be late for work, obstacles lying in the middle of the floor weren't helping my case at the moment.

I quickly brushed my teeth and applied some light pink blush and waterproof mascara to my worn out- looking face. Crying is always in consideration with my job. You never know when your emotions can get the best of you.

I pulled out my usual business work outfit , a mid-thigh length black skirt and black suit jacket that I slipped on over a plain white blouse. I grabbed a pair of black pumps that I would slide on once I got in the car. I didn't need anymore tripping as I made my way out the door.

Typical me. Late for my day of work.

My name is Jenna Blew. I recently graduated college to work as an event planner. Today was a very big event. I had a wedding that I  most certainly needed to attend to if I wanted to keep my job. This could be my big break. After today, I could be promoted to Head Planner of my company. Well, as long as this wedding is just right. And I have very few doubts in my mind that it will turn out just like I hope it will! I'm not gonna lie, I have a pretty perfect life right now. An amazing job, amazing friends I get to work with. What more could I really ask for? Well except for you know... a little less hectic mornings.

I ran through my apartment in a hurry, stumbling over things and knocking stuff over while trying to get together the remaining materials I would need for my day.

I grabbed a granola bar off of the counter and headed out the door.

I almost tripped twice on the way down my steps... But oh well, we won't talk about that.

I jumped into my car and reached for my keys.

Of course, I just had to leave them inside my loft...

I sprinted back inside and grabbed my keys along with my cell phone that I also forgot on my kitchen counter. I was just on a roll today. I ran to the car and jumped in once again and immediately started trying to fix my blob-of-a-mess hair with my fingers. Finally, as I thought my morning couldn't possibly get any worse, I started to back out of my driveway. I fiddled around for my pink lipstick to put on as I backed out so my lips didn't look completely chapped, when all of the sudden, I felt my car back up into something.... hard.

"COME ON!" I screamed. I looked into the mirror and noticed a big streak of lipstick smeared down my chin. Gosh dangit.

I didn't have time to look at the possible damage that could have occurred to my car or to the mail box I had hit, so I just drove off. Hopefully nobody witnessed that. 

Finally arriving at the grand hotel where the wedding would be held , right on time thankfully, I pulled my hair up into a quick updo, wiped the lipstick off my face, and grabbed my briefcase to dash inside.

I was the person in charge of mostly this whole wedding. So it absolutely had to be perfect, like I said before. I really worked hard on these types of things.

I walked through the tall monumental doors to spot the wedding dress designer A.K.A my best friend, Melony Peirce.

"Hello my lovely." I said cheerfully, despite my crappy morning, giving her a quick hug.

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