Chapter 2

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So what he a girlfriend? It's not like I care anyways... UGH. But he should've at least told me instead of acting all lovey dovey and like he was into me.... God. Last time I ever start to like a guy again. WHAT THE HECK AM I SAYING? If anything, I DON'T like this guy. Never did, never will. All Logan's done since the first time we met this morning was piss me off. First, he spills my own coffee all over me, then he begs to walk me to my car (Which doesn't really piss me off, it just freaks me out. He could be a murderer or something) and then he acts like he has feelings for me or something but then somehow forgets to mention he has a girlfriend.... Maybe that's how he is. Maybe to him it didn't seem like he was flirting. Maybe he was just..... being super nice to me. I don't know. Maybe he's just a nice guy. A really nice guy. 

"Umm... hi Natalie." I said forcing a smile to my face. "Well... Like you said, Logan, I should probably head home." I started to walk off.

"Wait do you-" 

"No Logan. I don't need a ride home. Thanks." I called behind me. 

Of course I wasn't really going home. My night wasn't over yet. Regardless of crazy day, I still wasn't ready to go home. 

"Hey girly. I saw you over there with that smokin hot guy... who is that?" Kent winked at me, glancing over at Logan. 

"Please, let's not talk about it." I groaned. "And stop looking over there, he's gonna think I'm talking about him."

Melony and Kent exchanged looks of concern at my sudden grumpiness.  

"Hun, can we have a moment?" Melony asked, pulling me away to the bathroom before I could give an answer. 

"Why can't you just talk in front of Kent?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because we need some one on one heart to heart time. Just us. Now you tell me why you are all gloomy and such! This is suppose to be a fun time, dollface." She pushed my chin up with her finger tips so we were face to face. I could tell she was serious because her eyebrows were raised and her lips were pursed into a straight line. I call that the Melony face. Sometimes it slightly scares me. 

"Ughh... alright alright. It's nothing really. I'm just a little tired. I think I am gonna go home." I could tell Melony didn't really buy it but instead of arguing she agreed. 

"Okay go find Kent to take you. I think you and me both are a little too drunk to drive." She winked. "I'll see you at work  tomorrow bright and earlyyy!" She said in a sing-song voice.

"Grrreeeeeattt." I said sarcastically.

I got into the car with Kent, still not sober. I leaned my head against the window waiting for the engine to start up but it never did. After a couple minutes I looked over to find him staring at me.

"Dear, you know I am not going to go until you tell me your real problems. I know that what you told Melony was just a big load a crap." Gosh dangit. Why did everyone want to know my stupid problems?Was I that obvious. It wasn't even a big deal. And I wasn't even mad or sad. Maybe I was just tired, god. Why couldn't people just accept that.

"UGHHHHHH" I let out a big whine. 


"Okay. Fine, alright. So this morning at the wedding this guy ran into me and dumped coffee all over me and it really pissed me off and then he asked me if he could walk me to my car so I could get something else to change into but I said no because.. well I don't really know why. And his eyes were so blue and crystal and his hair was so... ugh. And then at the ceremony he was staring at me and I didn't know what to do and my stomach felt weird at that and then at the after party I fell into the table because I was being stupid and then he came and helped me up and I just had to dance with him and grind all up on him like I was some freaking animal and then we slow danced and it felt really nice and then this girl came up to him and was all like "Who's this, Logan?" and turns out IT WAS HIS FREAKING GIRLFRIEND.... UGHH. But I don't even know why I am saying 'ugh' because I'm not mad or sad. I barely even know the guy like why should I care that he has a girlfriend. But everytime I say 'girlfriend' or even think it, it makes me wanna throw up." I took a deep breath of air. 

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