Durning that night

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Jeff's P.O.V

"Brother if she laid a finger on her I will kick her sisters ass!"I was pissed, but our parents were out which I loved right now."Calm down Jeff.Kristin was with her and I believe she sleeps with that door of hers locked."I was breathing like I was pissed and Liu didn't help by saying her sisters friend name."But Randy being anywhere nea-"I cut him off.

"Randy is a dead man for trying that shit.He was near her.He has tried hitting her.He has tried to make out with her.NOT COOL!"Liu chuckled once I said he tried making out with her."Wow you are in love with her your so worried about her first kiss and who she loves."He kept on laughing.Which made me more mad."Cut it out.But Liu on the other note have you met Brittani?"Liu sighed.And he looked like he didn't want to say it.

"Yeah because she hangs Randy."Oh great so when I get yelled at and you back me up.We got to deal with (y/n) Sister."So how do we tell (y/n) we get hurt to by her Sister?"Liu I could tell was thinking and he calmed me down.But he still thinks about how. I think.

"We don't.Thats it.If we tell her she won't like it.And the fight for her friends and between having her Sister abd Randy's "gang" may I say.That fight won't be pretty.And you heard what Britt was saying to (y/n)?Calling her a slut and (y/n) was holding tears.I bet she took a shower before she called you to take away her puffy, red, (e/c) eyes.So lets say having her as a Sister is a living hell."

Liu was right that fight wouldn't be pretty.Randy, his friends, and her Sister vs. Her and probably Kristin.I wouldn't ever want her hurt.Wait there is that feeling again.What the hell.It's gone now the fuck."Anyway it's getting late lets get some sleep."Liu snapped me out of that trance.

"Um...yeah we got a lot of shopping to do."Liu smiled at me and then chuckled at me because I said this."Yeah, hey she will have to try on a lot of stuff to.And also knowing her she is going after a lot of stuff and her Sister might force her to get a dress."He laughed again.I rolled my eyes."Like I care if she gets a dress.It will be for her Sister anyway same for skirts probably."

Liu looked at me and rolled his eyes."Ok Jeff anyway i'm going to bed and also when you were in the bathroom I told Kristin we will come over to her house to chitchat before we head to the mall."I looked at him dumfounded.Did he just say we were going to her house to talk for a bit then leave for the mall."What?!"Liu smiled and messed with my hair."Goodnight bro"and with that he walked away.

Why must he do this to me."Anyway I'm get on YouTube and playing music."

Reader's P.O.V

I woke up once your Sister left."The hell why I have to chitchat with the boys before we leave.Well before they come I want to put on dresses with Sis and just sing and dance around with her."

I pick up my phone and text hers.'Hey Sis before the boys come can we please dress up and sing.'It took a bit, but she finally replied.'Of course I know how you like that do you want me to do your hair again.Like normal, whenever your not at school, or in the woods style, or not at all?'Um thats a good question.'Yeah I like my hair like that for home or county fairs.'She told me ok and I guess back to bed.

"Ok lets find a dress in here."I got up and walk to my closet and look threw dresses and pull out three.The first one has no sleeves.No lace at all.And was black but a little short."Hm....lets look at the others."I grab the next one this on goes around the neck to hold it.Has very little lace goes to knee hight.It has a little ribbon around the waist and is (f/c).The third one was long it went to my ankles and it had sleeves down to my elbow.It was purple."Ok so I don't know.But this one is nice I think first and third can be used for something else.Anyway and for the mall.I think a (f/c) tank top and some shorts with black combat boots."

I laid back down in bed."Ok so I want to wake up at three in the morning so I can get dressed and of course take another shower.Wait I never picked out heels to go with the dress so Sis won't be the only one.Well I will just go with little heel boots that are (f/c) so the will match.Ok thats over."

Then I hear someone walk up to my door.It was a soft knock."Sweetheart it's me if your up will you please let me in?"I got up and walk to my door, quickly, and open it to your dad you pulled him in and locked the door behind him.

"So what do you got planned for tommorow?"I thought for a moment the answered him."Well me and Sis plan on going to the mall.Also sing and dance a bit just like normal.But why do you ask?"He chuckled a bit.Then looked at me and smiled."Sweetie I heard every word you said.About the dresses and the heels.I thought you had a date."

He laughed again.And this time I joined in."No daddy I don't have a special someone."Me and him finally calm down the he asked another question."Sweetheart um....why is there a punch or at least a dent on your door."I looked at him.Then hugged him like always then cried like I always did.So he knew what was wrong."I see i'm sorry sweetheart."We stayed like that me hugging him, and him  hugging me back.

He then laid me down.Then I pull him in my bed and I put my head on his chest.But this whole thing felt like someone taking pictures.Who cares thou this is daddy not a stranger or a lover.It's just daddy.

"I love ya daddy."He smiled and before I passed out you heard him."I love you to baby girl"then he kissed your forehead.And left you.But you heard him lock then shut so you were fine finally got some sleep that wasn't sad.I had that earlyer, but not much so this feels good then my phone stops it all.

"Someone texted me."I look at it.It was jeff you were pissed till you read it.'I am so sorry to text you, but is Brittani going to be there at all?'What the fuck type of question was tha- oh nevermind Randy right.'I don't think she will be here when you are so I think your good.'After that he said sorry again told me thank you and then I went back to bed.

Then I realized something.My favorite stuff animal that you had years was now missing."Where the hell did Larry go?"I start to freak out then, I  walk to my desk.To find him in my chair.I sat down and spun around for a bit then I grabbed my stuffed possum and went to bed.

Finally sleep and it was so peaceful.Great dreams lead to a great day or thats what mom always said anyway. 

Back to Jeff P.O.V

I do not want to see him.But I really did not want to text her this late.I mean it was 12:45 a.m. when I texted her.I know she was not happy, but she at least texted back.Told me then probably went back to bed.I'm going to bed now so goodnight world.

Liu P.O.V

I heard everything Jeff said.In the chat anyway so how was I not supposed to learn more about Randy.How could he try to hurt that little girl?Is he dum?I mean this girly can fight and I know the truth.Randy better quit.I mean thats just the start of what he has done to her.I think i'm going to text her Sister.'Hey um we need to talk alone tommorow just for a sec and we need to leave our sibs just for a sec so i'll let ya chose the time.- Kristin' Wow the heck oh well I will pick the time.

Kristin's P.O.V

Liu and I need to talk.Randy is pushy and Liu needs to know the whole truth.Or most of it anyway.Well i'm going to check on little sis.I opened my door and found Brittani."So you got plans tommorow?If you do cancel them.Me and you are going to talk tommorow. Ok?"Great well um here is my no."Look brittani I have plans so no dice.And I can't cancel them."Great now she is pissed.That stare."Well goodbye."I pushed her out and locked my door.Now she can leave me alone.Because our talks end in fights.As in rarely yelling we normally get in fist fights but her friends are always with her.

So I can't do anything, but that's how little sis, or one of many ways, how she is strong.Shit they have kicked her ass before and she still got up and continued the fight.

I wish I could do that, but oh well.I'm not like her.Thou she is caring, Loving, Sweet, I could go on and on with her.And me not even four I don't think so anyway.Well it's getting late so bedtime now.And with that I passed out.

(Sorry it's short I really didn't have that much ideas for this chapter)

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