At the ER

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Jeff's P.O.V

"BEN what if she is in worst pain then what she was?"You asked scared as hell."Dude she probably is, but she will be ok so shut the fuck up." "Smooth you knew how to cheer me up."I just rolled his eyes."Why are you worried anyway?"I took a deep breath and let it out."I feel like its my fault that-" "it's not and we will go see her, and that dude was just a "meany" like Sally said.Plus you kicked that guy in the face pretty hard."BEN really is trying here munis that first sentence."Yeah I guess so and this is the last class of that day." "Closer the day is over the more time you don't have to wait to see if she is ok." "Jeff Woods the office needs you up there now." "Uh.. yes sir BEN please get the notes ok."BEN shook his head and I left.

Damn wonder what they want this time.I walk in prepared to stand my ground, but there was a women you never seen before in there by Mr.Cile.This women looked a little like (y/n)."Jeffrey this is Mrs.(l/n), she has came up here to tell you something."Great here it comes from her mom.It never came, but I felt arms around me."Thank you, without your kindness she would have been in worst shape then she is now."That women let go with tears in her eyes.

"Um..yeah well he shouldn't do that to anyone more or less one of my friends he tried with Sally and once with BEN and I stopped it before it happened, but i'm sorry she was hurt because I didn't move fast enough to catch her.Anyway is she ok."She chuckled."Yes she is just fine."Then her mom ruffled my hair and said it's ok she hugged me again and left."So am I in trouble for kicking him in the face?"

Mr.Cile took a moment and then looked at me."No you were in the right this time you fought.Well your normally in the right I have yet to see you in the wrong now go back to history."I walked back with five minutes in class left and BEN looked at me weird because I was fixing my hair."What happened back there?It looks like you had someone run there fingers in your hair." "Really don't want to talk about it.All I am going to tell you is I finally met her mom."I was happy the last five minutes were talk time because BEN busted out laughing.So I told him everything and he started laughing even harder."BEN shut up its not funny i'm just happy it wasn't her dad that came."BEN laughed harder and was now laughing so hard he was crying.The bell rang finally school was over, but we all had to go home first then we could go to the ER.

Reader P.O.V

You was scared, but there was a good and bad about not having my family.My oldest sister Brittain abuses me and my other sister which was a year younger then Britt is Kristin they are both half sisters with me, but full with each other.Britt treats me like a step sister and Kristin treats me like a full.Kristin was my sissy.Brittain was my half, or Britt.You didn't really respect Britt and she doesn't respect you ethier.Kristin did and you felt more love from her then Britt.

Mom came back in after going to school."So I meet Jeff.Mr.Cile called him up there so I could tell him thank you."You looked at your Embarrassed."MOM YOU DIDN'T!?"She did nothing, but laugh."Yes, I met him, hugged him, said thank you, and messed with his hair and left."Your face got red."MOM WHY DID YOU DO THAT NOW!?I LOOK LIKE A BABY TO HIM OR I DON'T KNOW, BUT THAT WAS NOT COOL AT ALL!"You could not believe she did that.All she did was laugh."Sweetie i'm sure he doesn't.He asked how you were and I giggled said fine and left after messing with his hair." "He worried about me."There goes mom laughing again."Yes, very much."Your face got a little red and then it faded away."Where's daddy I thought he got off early?" "He had to go get your sisters and is stuck in traffic."

You looked down then heard a knock at your room.Then in came a little girl."HI (Y/N)!"Sally sat in my lap and you giggled she did to."Hi Sally i'm happy to see you to."She hugged you and you hugged her back.

"Oh yeah Sally this is my mom." Sally was shy and held her hand out."Um... Hi i'm Sally nice to meet you."My mom shook Sally's hand."Hi i'm Mrs.(l/n) nice to meet you to.Don't worry I won't bite i'm as friendly as any friends mother can be and i'm a friendly person period."Sally looked at her and you giggled."Sally did anyone else come?"Sally looked at me and smiled.And then giggled.

"Yes, but guess what I got for you."You looked at her confused."Sally, you and everyone else, didn't have to get me something.You know that right?"She looked at me and cocked her head."We did it because we wanted to and think of it as feel better stuff."

You looked at her and took a guess."A little girl that's about to giggle."She looked at me and smiled."After the gift."You tickled her and you giggled."Told you I would get a giggly little girl."Sally was giggling so hard it looked like she was crying.So you  stopped.

"I will let you girls hangout your sisters went and got pizza with your dad so i'm going to go meet them there and don't worry I will bring you some back."With that mom left.So you looked back at Sally."Ok Sally what do you have for me."She smiled widely and pulled out a box.

Sally smiled even brighter and you opened it.It was a ring with (your favorite animal)."Sally its cute."You hugged her she hugged you back."Mine matches it but different, but look on the inside of the ring."I looked.It said for the big sister I now have.Thats beautiful how its written down.

"Sally this is beautiful, but what does your's say."She smiled and giggled and it didn't say anything."Sally how did you write this on mine." 'Really how did she do this' anyway she looks like she wants to tell me."Think what you want on mine and it will appear."So what do you want her to have on it.Oh how you wish you knew.Then it hit you.'With all the love to you my little sister I now have' wow you couldn't believe that it worked she looked at you and smiled.

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