Escape into the Night

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It seemed to take everyone so much longer to fall asleep, but eventually, Cloudy felt safe enough to leave. As usual, Skip and Toby barely stirred as she slipped by them into the cold night.

Outside the cave, Cloudy glanced back. It wasn't fair to not tell her family and friends where she was going, but she knew they would insist that someone go with her.

She couldn't help but think of how Jupiter said there was a chance she wouldn't return. What could ever keep her away from Rocky Cliffs? Would having company ensure her return, or make it worse?

Cloudy shook her head and faced forward. Jupiter said to come alone, so she would.


Cloudy froze as Tussock popped out in front of her and sat down. Half buried in the snow blown against the structure's side, head tipped to the side and tail tapping, Tussock seemed to be asking what Cloudy was up to.

"Go back to the cave," Cloudy whispered.

Tap, tap  went Tussock's tail.

"I'm just going to a little flight."

Tussock stood. Of course she wanted to go.

"I'm going alone."

Tussock opened her mouth. Too late, Cloudy realized what was about to happen.


There was a scuffling behind Cloudy, then a sleepy voice said, "Cloudy?"

Cloudy didn't hesitate. Her wings opened with a snap and she launched into the air.


Copper had been dreaming of wide, green meadows when Skip's cry jolted her awake. She blinked hard in an attempt to wake up faster as she staggered to the entrance.

Skip was outside with Tussock, still shouting Cloudy's name. Toby was half-asleep and confused, but followed Copper outside. The sound of hoofsteps told Copper that Cloudy's parents were following. Cloudy was nowhere to be seen.

Skip ran up to Cloudy, distress clear in his eyes. "Cloudy's flown off!"

"It's okay," Copper soothed. "This isn't the first time."

"What?!" cried Sky.

Copper winced, having forgotten about Cloudy's parents behind her.

"This was different," Skip was dancing nervously on his hooves. "She looked... heartbroken. Almost like when she saw the vision of my mother in the river."

Copper's ears flattened. Something must be really wrong. "Okay, I'll fly after her. You and Toby stay here."

"We'll go with you," Torrent said, gesturing to himself and Sky.

Copper nodded. There wasn't time to argue. The three horses took flight for the first time in weeks in the direction Skip pointed, spread out for a better chance to spot Cloudy.

After an hour of searching, there had still been no sign of Cloudy. Torrent and Sky were gone as well, having veered off to search in different directions.

Copper wondered if she should head back and wait for morning. It was pretty dark, even with the moon-horse and star-whuffs. She was surprised to see there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Maybe it just seemed darker than it was. There was no time to waste worrying about it, though.

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