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Tord shivered. He was in his little ally way he liked to sleep in. It had shade so it covered him from the snow. He found an old towel thrown out, so he uses that as a blanket, but it doesn't help much. Most everything he had been given had been taken by other creeps on the street, so Tord was just alone, shivering and coughing. He left the army after the incident. He couldn't hurt anyone else anymore.

Tom had been watching the certain red hoodied male for a while. He had first seen him in the ally way eating an old hamburger that he later threw back up. Tom didn't feel sorry for him. Until he saw him start coughing. It was cold, so Tom didn't think much of it, until blood came out Tord's mouth. Tom gasped.
Tom still didn't feel MUCH sympathy for the guy, but he did give him a blanket while he was sleeping. He watched Tord wake up and find the blanket. He looked shocked. He smiled and rubbed his face in the soft fabric. Tom smiled. He felt good doing something for someone else, even if that someone was Tord. He continued to watch Tord through the days. His coughing was getting worse, and his blanket was gone. Someone obviously stole it. Tord was back to shivering, cuddling that old towel. Tom groaned. He couldn't let him suffer this...even if he made the him suffer. Tord started coughing, but he didn't stop. So much blood came up. Tom kept watching, a bit worried. Tord stood up and leaned against a wall, he eventually completely threw up blood. He started wobbling like he was going to pass out. Tom made up his mind then and there. He ran to the ally way seeing Tord fall on the ground.
"Tord?" Tom said, kneeling down.
"T-Tom?..." Tord whispered before passing out, blood still dripping out his mouth.

Tord woke up. It was warm. He must have been dreaming still. He sat up and groaned. He looked around too see three figures glaring at him. Edd, Matt, and Tom...the three people he never wanted to see again. He screamed and fell off the couch, backing up against a wall.
"Wh-How did I get here?! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll leave!" Tord said, standing up, starting to walk to the door.
"Nope! You're staying here!" Tom said, grabbing Tord, swinging him over his shoulder, and body slamming him back on he couch. Edd looked disappointed, Matt looked confused, and Tom looked...so fucking mad.
Tord started to get tears in his eyes.
"P-please let me go...I don't want to hurt you more than I already have..." Tord said, looking to the side.
"It wasn't us that let you in...if it were up to me, I'd left you on the street!" Edd yelled, crossing his arms.
"Who are you?" Matt said, tilting his head.
"It was Tom...he claims to of seen you in an ally way coughing up blood...I told him to leave you but NOOO!" Edd said, getting angrier by the minute.
"If you don't want to help then you can just leave! There was a LOT of blood Edd!" Tom said with a sigh. Edd rolled his eyes and dragged Matt out the door.
It was silent for a while.
"Why did you save me?..I've hurt you so many times..." Tord said quietly, not making eye contact with Tom.
"Because nobody deserves what you were going through..." Tom said, walking into the kitchen.
Tord laid down on the couch, thinking about why the hell Tom would do this.
"You have Phoenix disease..." Tom said, walking back in with a bowl of soup. He handed it to Tord and he looked up in surprise. Tord hasn't eaten something real in a long time. He hesitantly took the soup and looked at it.
"What...What's Phoenix disease?" Tord asked, looking over at Tom with scared eyes.
"Does it burn when you cough?" Tom asked, scrolling through his phone.
"Yes...a lot actually now that I think about it..." Tord said, eating some of the soup that was really fucking good.
"There you go!" Tom said a matter a factly.
"Blood seeps into your stomach acid and it burns and causes you to cough and throw up blood. It fixed itself after burning through, like a Phoenix, but it's eventually going to get so bad you'll die...there is a cure though..." Tom said, not looking up from his phone. Tord was in shock.

He was going to die now. What's the point of eating. He put the bowl down and stood up, this caused Tom to look up.
"What are you doing?" Tom asked.
"I'm going to hurl myself off the roof..." Tord said, walking towards the door.
"What no!" Tom yelled, standing up.
"Tom! I've hurt so many people! I hate myself and now I'm going to die anyway so there's no point anymore!" Tord yelled.
"I just said there was a cure!" Tom yelled, throwing his hands into the air.
"Tom...you saw me out there...there is no way I can get the medicine needed for this...I've wanted to die for a while now...my body is doing me a favor...I'm just making it go quicker..." Tord said, the tears coming back.

Tom sighed and grabbed Tord's arm, pulling him back to the couch. He sat down and started sobbing.
"I-I Don't deserve life Thomas! I'm a mistake! I can't go on like this!" Tord yelled, trying to get the tears to stop but they kept coming.
"Tord...I hate you, Yes, but...you deserve a life and you aren't a mistake...things happen, bring yourself back up...you're getting a cure cause I'm getting it for you...you deserve to live no matter how badly you hurt people and how much of a dick you are...I hate you a lot but...people deserve second chances...I guess...now I'm going to the coffee shop down by the old book store...you want something?" Tom said with a small smile. Tord looked up at him in surprise. He smiled back, still sniffing a bit.
"Strawberry milkshake..."

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