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Tom walked down the street, passing the old alley and continuing on. He walked in the store and a little bell chimed as he entered.
"Heya Ricky! I'm here for once!" Tom yelled, taking his hoodie off and putting it behind a counter, his baby blue and white striped uniform with the stores logo on it showing now.
"And on time too!" A man, Ricky, walked into the room. He had milk chocolate brown hair and bright green eyes. He had tan skin and wore many bracelets.
"How's that kid you brought home?" Ricky said, sitting on a stool behind the counter.
"He's older than me Rick...and he's not doing so hot...he had a bad episode yesterday...I had to give him CPR or else he wouldn't of made it..." Tom said, rolling up his long sleeves revealing a watch and a little black bracelet around his wrist.

"Damn...you really should go back to college for that doctorate...you're really good at it! You'd make way more money than you do working here for Mr. Kirkland!" Ricky said, leaning on the counter. Tom chuckled.
"I dunno...I don't have the time or money...plus Tord...I couldn't do that to him or myself...believe me! I wanna go back but I just can't..." Tom said shaking his head.
"Take online classes" Ricky stated with a shrug.
"Can't do that, at least I don't think I can? Can doctors just take online classes? I don't think they can?" Tom said, looking around while thinking about it.

"You should go back...that's all I'm saying..." Ricky said with a chuckle as he got up to feed the cats. The day was normal for Tom. People came and adopted pets, fish died and birds escaped. Ricky cracked his jokes and Tom rolled on the floor in laughter because of them. It was almost closing time and Tom's phone started ringing. He looked over and saw it was from Edd.
"Hello?" Tom could barely get that out before Edd started screaming.
"I'll be right there!" Tom tried to say calmly before hanging up and grabbing his hoodie.
"I have to leave early Tord might be dying!" Tom yelled as he put his hoodie on.
"K!" Ricky casually yelled as he swept the floor. Tom booked it home. He ran up the stairs since the elevator was too slow. He opened his door to Matt hiding under the table and screaming coming from the bathroom.
Tom ran in there and saw blood everywhere again. Tord sat on the toilet and Edd sat across from him, facing away from the door. He was screaming as Edd tried to do something about his arm.

"Alright Edd take Matt home I've got it!" Tom said as Edd turned around to show he was covered in blood as well.
"And clean yourself up while you're at it..." Tom said, rolling his eyes and rolling his sleeves up. Edd walked out the room and Tord looked up.
"T-Tom I dunno what he did but- ah- it hurts! God damn! I can't feel or move it!" Tord yelled in pain as he clenched his teeth shut. Tom nodded. He reached into a closet and pulled out a big box. He dug around in it and found rubbing alcohol, needle and thread, bandages and some other stuff. Why the fuck was he so casual about this?!
"This'll only hurt a bit..." Tom said grabbing the rubbing alcohol and a wash cloth and walking over to him. Tord hesitantly nodded. Tom started pouring it on his as he used the rag to clean up the access.

Tord held in a scream of pain as Tom reached for some other stuff. It took about thirty minutes but he finally got Tord stitched up. He was careful and gentle as possible with every stitch he made. Tord silently thanked him for this. Tom wrapped him up and smiled.
"Hopefully those get better...if not you'll have to amputate it..." Tom said making Tord put on a look of fear.
"Did Edd give you your medicine today?" Tom asked, walking into his room, right across from the bathroom.
"No..." Tord said quietly, looking down.
"Dammit! Well...hopefully missing one doesn't effect you badly..." Tom said, taking off his hoodie and shirt, opening a drawer.
"Tord stared since he could see Tom right in front of him since both doors were wide open. Tom looked over and chuckled.
"What? Too much for ya~" Tom said with a wink. Tord blushed and growled.
"Fuck off..." Tord said, looking back down. Tom pulled out a normal black T-shirt and remembered what he was going to do after work. He walked to the spare room and grabbed the stuffed bear from the closet and walked back into the bathroom where Tord still sat for some reason.

"Hey um...I saw you with this girl and...I wanna know about her..." Tom said, holding up the small bear. Tord gasped and growled, getting up and pushing Tom to the wall, pinning him there.
"WHERE DID YOU GET THIS?!" Tord yelled, taking the bear from Tom.
"I found it on the ground of the alley when I found you! You were crying and hugging it before you had your cough fit! What happened to her?" Tom asked, looking at Tord sympathetically. Tord's expression dropped and he let Tom's hands go. He looked at the bear and tears pricked the sides of his face.

"Her name was Maddie...She was...getting sick...it was just too cold for her...I tried everything I could to keep her warm but other people were so selfish they took everything I got for her! I tried so hard to keep her going Thomas! I TRIED SO HARD! I put her before myself in every situation! Then...one day she almost died of hypothermia...the cops took her and wouldn't let me see her again...I just hope she's alive...that's all I want..." Tord explained, tears running down his face.
"Tord I...I'm so sorry..." Tom said with a sigh.
"It's fine...I needed to get that out anyways...she was the first person I actually really really cared about other than you guys and some soldiers...everyone I care about dies anyway..." Tord said, starting to walk to the other room he was staying in.
"I think I'm gonna take a nap...maybe I'll stop breathing in my sleep..." Tord said depressingly. Tom was now worried. Tord was in a very unstable state...he needed to do something about it.

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