Chapter 2: The Tesseract

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Good or Bad ~ Loki FanFiction

Chapter 2: What's happening?


~~~~~~~~~~A year later~~~~~~~~~

Serenity Blake POV,

"Dr. Selvig what's going on here and where is Clint?" I nearly screamed because of the noise the Tesseract and the evacuation make. I could feel the Tesseracts power increase by the minute. I don't know how but I feel it.

"The Tesseract turned itself on and Clint is in his nest as usual."

"What? How can the Tesseract turn itself on? I mean sure it is an energy source but can't you use it so the power would be less?" I asked

"No, I can't because it is too dangerous the power of the Tesseract grows by the minute. It is only a matter of minutes what comes next. It is too late to evacuate the whole town so we need to find something."

Just then Fury, Phil and Maria are walking in. I met Maria Hill on the helicopter before I was here and Phil is agent Coulson.

"Talk to me doctor." Fury said oh so friendly.

While dr. Selvig was explaining I remembered something. That's when Clint came down and they all walked towards the Tesseract and me.

"Wait, the cube is a door to the other end of space right? What if the doors can be opened from both sides?" I said and they all looked impressed and nodded.

"That could definitely be right which means we don't know what's coming at the end of the other side. This can be worse. Very worse." dr. Selvig said.

"It's happening." I cried out in pain and fell to the ground. There was too much power. Too much to handle for me. I am somehow connected to the power of the Tesseract.

After I said that the Tesseract send a laser beam to the end of the hall. When it stopped the Tesseract cooled down and was normal again. I tried to see if something came out of the other side but there was a lot of smoke. When the smoke was away there stood a man. A really odd man. He had raven black hair and leather clothes. He looked like some kind of evil warrior. I didn't think I was wrong about an 'evil' warrior. He had a huge grin on his face when he stood up and opened his eyes. They were emerald green. He also had a sort of scepter in his hand. I could feel the power in his scepter. It was much less power then the Tesseract but I could still feel it.

"Sir, please put down the spear." Fury said.

The odd man looked his scepter and then back. He shot a sort of a blue beam towards us. But it only hit the wall. The odd man kept shooting towards the SHIELD agents until they were all knocked out.

Only Clint, Fury, I and dr. Selvig were still on the ground. He looked around for his target and I soon knew he would choose Clint.

He was about to shoot at Clint. "CLINT!" I yelled but he kept shooting at the odd man. When he shot the blue beam I quickly moved in front of Clint with my super speed power. It now hit me instead of Clint but it didn't have the same impact on me. It almost felt like I was absorbing the power and I guess I was. But I felt too powerful and I couldn't handle it all. I fell to my knees while looking at Clint. His eyes widened because he didn't know about my powers.

The odd man moved towards Clint and I wanted to stop him but I could barely move because of the power impact. The odd guy pointed his scepter at Clint's heart but he didn't kill him. There was some blue light coming out of it into his body. His eyes turned first black and then blue. He put his pistol back and obeyed the odd man.

The odd man came towards me and did the same but it didn't work at me. His face was full of confusion and amazement. He pinned me against the wall with my hands and whispered. "Don't worry, I will take you with me. I promise." He pecked my forehead with his lips. His lips were cold against my forehead. It felt good.

I suddenly remembered that I can get out of his grasp. I transformed myself into water and went over to Fury. He picked the Tesseract up and placed it in a sort of safe coffin. I transformed back next to Fury and helped him a little. We began to walk away.

"Please don't, I still need that and her." The odd man said as he walked closer to us.

"This doesn't have to get any messier." Fury said.

"Of course it does. I've come too far for anything else. I'm Loki of Asgard and I'm burdened with glorious purpose." The odd man, apparently Loki, said.

"Loki brother of Thor?" Dr. Selvig said.

"We have no quarrel with your people." Fury said.

"An ant has no quarrel with a booth." Loki said.

"You are planning to step on us?" Fury asked.

"I come with glad tidlings, of a world made free."

"Free from what?"

"Freedom, freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that in your heart..." Loki said pointing his staff on dr. Selvig. He did the same thing with Clint. He made dr. Selvig his slave. " will know peace."

"Yeah, you say peace I kind of think you mean the other thing." Fury said as I nodded.

"Sir detector Fury is stalling.This place is about to blow. Drop a hundred feet of stone on us. He means to bury us." Clint said as I shot Fury an annoying look.

"Like the pharaohs of Odin." Fury said as I shot another annoying look at Fury and shook my head.

When I looked at Fury I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. It was somehow comforting. I turned around and was greeted by two arms crossed over my shoulder down my waist. Loki pulled me into his chest. He was really cold but I greeted the cold. I liked the cold of him. It was so comforting.

He started chuckling evil-ish probably because I didn't struggle. But I soon came to my senses and tried to escape. I struggled but he was too strong.

"Don't you like my comforting cold." He whispered in my ear with his cold breath which send shivers down my spine. And I relaxed a little because of the cold and the comfort I was in. I laid my head on his chest. I suddenly realized I could transform into water again.

"No, you're not going to transform into water again, you're going with me or else I will freeze your water." Loki whispered in my ear as I relaxed even more because of the coldness. I totally forgot about that but I'm still faster then a bullet so I don't think that treat could work out. Wait how did he even know about that? Omg he read my mind. I knew it! I felt it!

He chuckled again and then mumbled something. I suddenly felt tired and exhausted. I fell into Loki's chest. If his hands weren't on my waist I would be falling on the ground now. He held me tighter as I slowly closed my eyes. I could feel he carried me bridal style and planted a kiss on my forehead. The coldness of his lips were so comforting again and I fell asleep peacefully.

But not before I heard him say: "Goodnight, love." I heard a gun shot and it went black.

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