CHAPTER IV: Both the Poison and the Cure

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CHAPTER IV: Both the Poison and the Cure

It's an image so cruel scarred permanently in her memories.

A lifeless body that's about to fall to the ground.

He died in front of her.

Devastation shook her. She quickly dashed to catch the body in her arms. This person is too precious and too mighty to a nation to just be laid waste on the dusty ground.

He was more precious to her. Too precious that her heart died that very moment. To her, he was not just a ruler of a nation but is her whole world. The sight of the one she loves dead in her arms had killed her from the inside. He would not move. Never again.

Guilt swallowed her.

She shed tears as many as the number bruises on her beloved's body. His wounds from battle were in vain, so he gave up his very own life to defeat the enemy instead. The solution was to lose his very own soul. For him, it was a sacrifice worthy of saving a nation, even a whole planet.

No matter how long she cried, her tears wouldn't stop flowing on her bruised cheeks. Each of them fell and streamed to his motionless body.

"It should have been me..." she continued to murmur to herself with the words "I'm sorry..." over and over and over again as she lovingly stroked his noble face with her also bruised hands.

The enchanted relic she wore on her right wrist glimmered as she caressed his face.

She cried even harder at the sight of it.

Even though she had the artifact, she could not do anything to save nor help his beloved, the person she arduously loves and whom she has devoted her whole life to. She was supposed to promise her future with him. But what future lies with them now?

Her chest tightened.

She embraced his body tighter. It is becoming colder in her warm arms. She wailed loudly.

She looked at her artifact again. Her sobbing paused for a while. She then held his face tenderly in her palm. "My love, be at ease. I will be with you always. Wherever you will be, I will also be..."

She took up the age-old book she had beside her in one hand and casted a spell. Her armlet glowed in response while she held the fallen young man's hand.

Then, her body had also fallen onto the ground. Her face was on the dirt, but her hand was still clasped with her beloved's. She had breathed her last.

The battlefield was already rid of the enemy, yet, on there were the bodies of a young man and a young woman who were also rid of their lives.


Another battle is brewing in Domino City.

Atem, Aya, Joey, Tristan, and Tea staggered at the sight of the incoming fleet of fiend-type Duel Monsters heading their way. People near the vicinity had already ran in panic. The afternoon sky turned gray because of the hoard of monsters that covered it.

Aya drew out her duel disk and loaded her deck on it. She signaled the Pharaoh and Joey to do the same.

"Wait, I don't have a Millennium Item to summon monsters at will, guys!" Joey blurted. "Nyeh what do I do??"

"Don't worry, Joey, I got you," Aya said then reached out to touch his Duel Disk. Her Millennium Armlet glowed as she infused power in Joey's Duel Monsters deck. She did the same with the Pharaoh's deck.

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