Chapter 1

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POV -Arrow

Her alarm woke her, still groggy with sleep she stumbled out of bed. She could hear chatter in the room next to hers.

Arrow yawned, rubbed sleep from her eyes. "Those two are at it quite early today." She muttered.

She weighted the pros and cons of calling in sick or just going to school, despite how tired she was. Not that it might make such a difference, since she was always tired, what little sleep she did manage to get still felt like she'd been up all night. Not even medicine seemed to work, not that it did much for many of the people that lived in this house, however that was another topic that she'd get to later. She figured that putting up with the hellhole of a educational prison called school was better than any nightmare, even with all the taunting and whispering of everyone who passed her by. Growing up in a small part of the city, people knew things about you that you wish they didn't.
Hurriedly, she got dressed for school, in the male uniform. Arrow though she was born female considered herself to be neither gender. She tended to wear more male looking clothing because of her lack of Feminine features, and it made her comfortable. She finished getting dressed and threw on some 'Arrow' touches to the look, her signature red high top converse and her blue gray hoodie under a jean jacket; her pale yellow scarf with the pom poms on the end completed the look. Arrow checked herself in her body length mirror, which was a gift from an older girl who used to live at the house and claimed herself as presentable. It wasn't hard for her to pass off as a male student, like said earlier she lacked a feminine looking body. She was short, 5ft 2in, flat chested and had no curves what-so-ever. She'd cut her hair short, just after 6th grade and kept it that way ever since. She was only missing her glasses, as she looked for them, chatter next door turn into a argument, which she could hear through the seemingly paper thin wall.

"You know this isn't getting you anywhere! You've been at this for...what ten days now, and all you have to show is a dumb drawing of a monkey jumping on a sun!"

"Ha! I'd like to see you try to write a story, I bet you can't!"

"I could!"

"I don't see you writing, Daniel, so you have no reason to judge."

"Don't call me that!"

"Then stop bothering me."

"But...... I like reading your stories."

Arrow shook her head.

Lora was an aspiring novelist. She was pretty good at writing in Arrow's opinion. Though recently she'd been having a hard time writing, maybe it was because she wasn't reading as much or just didn't have the motivation to do it. It was at times like this however Lora would call it Writers block, the time in which her imaginary friends wouldn't talk to her. Reblios, or Daniel, was usually the lucky guy who got to read Lora's writings and fixed some of the mistakes he caught, Arrow was the one who caught most of the mistakes though.

"Breakfast, then off to school for both of you." Alfance's voice could be heard.

Arrow sighed lightly and smiled to herself before she stretched. Just typical morning in their household.

Arrow met the others downstairs after she'd grabbed all her things for school.

"Good Morning, Arrow." Alfance said without looking at her as she entered the kitchen. He was making French toast, his long blond hair messily tied back. His broad shoulders hunched over slightly in a tired manure.

"Morning,Al." She replied, as she was suddenly wrapped in a hug from behind.

"Morning, Kitty."

"Morning." Reblios let her go and smiled at her before he went to his chair, his dark hair, hiding his lovely hazel eyes. He wore a baggy t-shirt and shorts instead of his school uniform, his ears and tail twitching in anticipation of getting breakfast. Arrow noticed his arms were newly bandaged again as she took up her spot next to Lora at the table. Before Arrow could say anything, Lora handed Arrow a hair elastic and turned her back to her. Arrow tied Lora's long fiery red hair up for her.

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