Chapter 3

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POV Arrow

It had been a week now.
She'd gotten used to the new routine.
Wake up, deal with the people she lived with, go to school then sneak away to work and hang out with Nina for awhile, eventually getting to visit with Drako.
She learned that he could recall things, but only a small amount.
This was unusual, something new to her. Most of the phantoms she'd spoken to in the past at least knew who had killed them or why they were there, unless they'd been around for awhile, but she'd never met one like Drako.
He was something new. His body was still alive, despite the machines doing a lot of the work for him now a days, but still Nina had refused to give the order to 'pull the plug'.
So how was it that he was a phantom? Nothing made sense about that boy, but Arrow's curiosity won out over everything else.
The stupid voice in her head- one that clearly wasn't hers- had said that Arrow needed to help Drako remember, but what she needed to help him remember remained a mystery.
"Hey, Arrow?" Drako was an inch away from her face, obviously trying to get her attention.
"Uh y-yeah?" She knew that trying to push him away wouldn't work.
"You were spacing out." He backed off, once again standing in front of her. "What are you thinking about?"
She stared at him. All the spirits she'd seen seemed to have a shade, white,grey or black. She didn't understand why this was or what it was for, but the white typically seemed to be for children, and black for the malicious.
Drako's was a light purple, almost white.
Now that she was looking at him, she noticed that he was slouched as he began to pace.
A beanpole or a twig was the best way to describe him, muscles did not seem to be present, but then again he was wearing layered clothing, probably what he'd worn before he'd come here, His hair was unkempt and covered his eyes. Arrow guessed that he'd dyed it, she could tell if she looked at his body, but that was a bit ...well his body looked way different front the version of Drako in front of her. The darker roots were still present, but all the machines messed with how she saw him. Arrow wondered if she was seeing a past version of Drako, one where he'd been healthier still seemed weird to her.
"Earth to Arrow, come in Arrow." He stopped pacing. He'd covered his mouth in his hand to make it sound like he was talking through a speaker.
Arrow could help but laugh lightly. "Sorry."
Drako finally sat on the ground in front of her. "You ok?"
She blushed lightly. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." She averted her gaze.
"Aw come on, don't shut me out."
"I'm not, just thinking." She glanced at him.
"About what?"
Arrow cleared her throat. "Well, um.. about how u don't remember things or can only recall a select amount of memories. What triggers u to remember? That sort of thing."
Drako shrugged. "If I knew, I don't think I'd be here talking to you."
He tapped his lips with a finger. "Though, it feels like something is stopping me."
Drako looked at Arrow and smiled.
"Stopping you?" She asked.
"Yeah" He looked around and then pointed at the monitor. "Like that. You see how it's keeping beat? Sometimes when I think about how I got here it flatlines. Or when Aunty mentions Dad." Drako's brows furrowed. "It's like the thing that is stopping me, is in"
"That doesn't sound like a good thing, but why are you only telling me this now?"
"I just thought about it." he shrugged.
Arrow sighed and pulled out a notebook and wrote this down.
"What are you doing?" Drako asked leaning over her shoulder to look at the notes.
Arrow glanced over at him, her nose would've touched his at this point if only he'd been a living being.
"Notes. I-i'm taking notes."
"Why?" Drako tilted his head.
"So I can look up stuff at home, just 'cause I can talk to you doesn't mean I'm all knowing in this kind of thing."
Drako laughed. A small smile spread across Arrow's lips. She liked his laugh.
Her phone started buzzing. She put her stuff away, and stood to leave. "I gotta get home, it's my night to make supper."
Drako smiled sadly. "I wish I could come with you, but alas.."
"Yeah, maybe when you're all better. I'll make you something."
"Haha, sure. See you tomorrow, ya dumby."
POV Drako
He sat and watched the other leave. He curled up on the floor under the window.
"Guess it's just me and you again." He mumbled to the only 'living' thing in the room.He closed his eyes..
"What is wrong with me?" He sighed.
He heard the door open.
"Ar-" He opened his eyes and sadly was not met with his friend.
Instead, it was one of the two that had come in the night that Arrow had fallen asleep in the room. This boy was younger than Drako by a few years, he had short brown hair,but long bits that covered his same coloured eyes. The most noticeable thing about this boy was- besides his large clothes and pale complexion- was that he was in a wheelchair.
Drako uncurled himself and got to his feet, making his way over to the boy. He was curious to know why he was here. Drako watched as the boy wheeled his way over to the bed and left a piece of paper there. He looked around quickly before wheeling out of the room and closing the door. Drako went over to the bed and looked at the paper.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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