Three. "Prison Sucks Balls."

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Prison sucks. It sucks balls.

That's all Jon can think as he stabs his fork into the slightly grey chicken that sat on his slightly grey plastic tray with a slightly suspicious grey stain on it.

The chicken matched his grey jumpsuit.

Seven hells, everything matches his grey and black jumpsuit.

Prison sucks. Prison food sucks.

He looked around at the guys sitting at his table. Then he looked down at his bare bicep. Maybe he should get a tattoo.

"Hey, Sam! Do you think I'd look good with a tattoo?

One of the boys next to him, Pyp, grins. "Oh yeah, Stark. I think you'd look hot with a butterfly above your ass."

He shoulder checks Pyp and shakes his head at Sam's giggles and goes back to his probably nonedible chicken.

"Okay, boys, listen up! If I call your name you've got visitors coming." The warden acts like he's announcing sex and edible food.

In Jon's opinion, Warden Thorne was a condescending asshat and always acted like he knew something you didn't. And it was seriously starting to get on Jon's nerves.

Prison sucks. Prison food sucks. Prison people suck.

No sex sucks. No decent food sucks.

Everything just sucks.

"Okay! L. Stone, Wylis, B. Stone, Flowers, Mott, Snow, Fern, Greyguard, Tollett, Tarly, Stark..."

Jon's head snaps up.

He wasn't supposed to have any visitors today. Sansa was watching Rickon, Bran had doctor's appointments all day and Robb had to work. Maybe Arya... He shakes his head. Santa Claus would come visit him before his baby sister did.

He knows that his sister hates him. He understands that. To be honest, he kinda hates himself too.

It probably has something to do with her yelling that "I hate you!" over and over again as he was led away in handcuffs. Tears were streaming down her face and she was hysterical as Gendry struggled to pick up her thrashing body and carry her away.

She had looked so broken, so lost.

And it was all his fault.

She may never forgive him. Seven knows that he will never forgive himself. Jon Stark has made a lot of mistakes in his life.

He's broken girls hearts without a second thought, and he's beaten kids up to the point where they're almost unrecognizable. He's almost flunked out of high school. Twice. He wasn't there when his father died.

And he can be a right bastard.

Correction, he is a bastard.

But Arya.

Arya was the one thing that Jon has ever done right. The one thing he didn't screw up.

That was, until three months ago when he was arrested for murdering Ramsay Bolton.

So maybe it's just Jon that sucks.

Jon watched from the back of the line as the light above the door went from red to green.

The guys ahead shuffled forward. Some looked like they were dreading it. Most of them look like this was one good thing that happened all week. And maybe for them, it was.

But not for Jon.

Because the one person he wanted to see wouldn't be waiting for him on the other side of that metal door.

Jon was the last one out the door.

It was probably his lawyer or maybe Robb had gotten the day off. It was possible Uncle Benjen and Davos were sitting at one of those cold metal tables.

But what he saw made him stop in his tracks.

And there, sitting at a metal table was a teenage girl in ripped black jeans and a messy braid. She was wearing a band t-shirt. Today it was The Clash. Jon's favorite band. He wonders if she did that on purpose. But knowing her, she threw it on this morning because it was the first thing she saw that was vaguely clean. Her scuffed Dr. Martens were tapping against the floor. She was nervous. Nervous to see him. She didn't look any older. She still wore her red leather jacket. She still drummed her fingers and tapped her foot when she nervous.

She was exactly the same and yet completely different.

It had been three months since he had last seen her, but Jon would recognize those grey eyes anywhere. He sees them every time he looks in the mirror.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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