chapter seven: the river

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The friendly, mild chill of autumn had now progressed into an icy, unforgiving winter. The once-blooming apple trees had lost their buds, now only a ghost of what they once were; gnarled, twisted shapes in rows along the skyline. The towering evergreens were adorned with light blankets of snow, and there wasn't a single birdsong to be heard. This was shaping up to be one of the harshest winters in Avonlea for a very long time. 

School had let out for the holiday break, so you hadn't seen Gilbert for quite a while; you two never spoke about what happened in the hayloft. Sometimes it felt like everything was the way it used to be, but you could both feel a rift between you. You felt like he didn't trust you anymore. And, in all honesty, he had every right not to. 

You were lying in front of the fireplace, sprawled out on your stomach on the bearskin rug when you heard a knock at the door. Marilla was already answering when you looked up from your book and heard a familiar voice; it was Diana Barry from school. It wasn't long before Marilla was calling you.

"Oliver, your friend Diana is here to see you," she smiled, looking at the dark-haired girl curiously. You smiled as you entered the kitchen, a bit surprised to see her. You hadn't spoken since that morning at school when Ruby Gillis was asking after Gilbert. 

"Thank you, Ms. Cuthbert." Diana dipped her head courteously as she entered the foyer. 

"So, what brings you by, dear?" Marilla inquired.

"Well," Diana turned to look at you as she spoke. "Some of the kids from our class are going down the river today since it's finally frozen over. I was wondering if Oliver might like to come." She beamed hopefully.

There was an awkward silence before you realized you were supposed to answer. "Um, oh! Yes, I'd love to. If I may, Marilla."

"I don't see why not. Just be careful. And bundle up, please, I don't need you catching a cold." Marilla affectionately patted your cheek. She was always looking out for you like that.

After you put on your coat and scarf, you and Diana began the long, freezing trek down to the river. Today felt especially bitterly cold, what with that relentless windchill. You were happy to be invited to something; this was your first time hanging out with kids from your class besides Gilbert. Oh, god, Gilbert. What if he was there? You weren't sure if you could face him. What if he'd told people about your secret? Not that he would do that...or would he?

"I'm glad you came today." Diana's soft voice derailed your train of thought. "I was a bit worried you'd decline."

"What makes you say that?" You mused, looking over at her.

"Well, you don't really talk to anyone. Besides Gilbert." 

You stayed quiet, and she must have picked up that something was amiss because she didn't press you any further. After what seemed like ages of silently walking through the forest, the path came to a clearing through which the river ran. It was frozen over, but the ice didn't quite look thick enough for skating yet. To your right were Billy and some of the other boys from school, pelting each other with fistfuls of snow. To your left, Ruby Gillis and Josie Pye, who came happily bounding toward you and Diana. But no Gilbert. Part of you was relieved, but another part was bitterly disappointed. 

Not really wanting to risk getting trampled or bruised by a snowball, you opted to stay with the girls. It was kind of nice- you guessed they didn't really take you seriously as a proper boy since they seemed to talk really comfortably and casually about whatever. The four of you shared some hot tea from a thermos. 

"So did you hear that Prissy Andrews is going to the formal with Charlie Sloane?" Josie gushed, leaning towards Diana.

Diana almost choked on her tea. "Really!"

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