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Just some background info :)
• There is no "no dating rule" in the office
Shayne's POV
The whole squad was just hanging out in the office. We got all our work done early so we could relax the rest of the day. I suddenly see Olivia run out of the room on her phone. She was probably just getting a call from James. I was friends with James, kinda. It was just kinda awkward cause I went to high school with him and Olivia. James was the popular jock and Olivia was the popular cheerleader. I was an outcast theater kid. Olivia and I were best friends in high school. Our friendship started when she auditioned for the school musical for the first time.
*flash back*
Olivia: *sits down next to Shayne* Hey, you're Shayne right?
Shayne: *closing his computer* Uh yeah.
Olivia: Okay so this is my first time auditioning for this sort of thing and I was hoping you would help me out. I know you always get the lead in the school plays, so I was hoping you would help me prepare before the audition?
Shayne: Yeah, sure. Okay, so the first tip is confidence. You have to be okay with embarrassing yourself.
Olivia: Trust me, I embarrass myself on a daily basis. *Both start laughing*
Shayne: Next, make your expressions big. Make sure the people in the back can see your subtle movements.
Olivia: Okay but wh-
*James interrupts the conversation*
James: Hey babe... who's this *points at Shayne*
Olivia: Oh that's Shayne. He's helping me prepare for auditions.
James: I still don't know why you want to do that stupid play. Only nerds do that.
Olivia: *turns to Shayne* He didn't mean that, I think it's really cool. *turns back to James and hits his arm*
Shayne: No big deal.
James: Cmon Olivia, lets get out of here.
Olivia: Thanks again Shayne!
*James yanks Olivia's arm to pull her away before she could give Shayne a hug*
Shayne: Nice to meet you too.
*end of flashback*
I see Olivia wipe a tear while she walks back into the room. I turn to see if anyone else notices, and they don't. Courtney's on her phone and Noah and Keith are watching vine compilations. I walk over to Olivia and put my arm on her back.
Shayne: "Are you okay?"
Olivia yanked my arm and pulled me out of the room. She brought me to an empty part of the office.
Olivia: "James broke up with me."
Shayne: What, why?
Olivia: Remember Emily from high school?
Shayne: The dumb blonde who had an IQ of 2.
Olivia: Yeah, her. He dumped me for her.
Shayne: What the hell, that's such a downgrade.
Olivia: I think I'm just gonna go home early.
Shayne: Oh, okay. Text me if you need me, okay?
Olivia nods and I watch her grab her jacket and bag from the office and walk out. The rest of the squad give her a wave as she leaves. It's so crazy to think that James and Olivia aren't dating anymore. They were high school sweethearts. I had a crush on Olivia ever since that day of her first audition, but I knew I was in the friend zone.
*beep beep*
I check my phone to realize that Olivia texted me.
Olivia: hey. my car broke down. give me a ride?
Shayne: yeah sure. give me a min.
I put on my jacket and quickly say bye to the squad.
Keith: hmmm both you and LivLiv leaving at the same time. Seems suspicious.
Noah: Oooooo
Courtney rolls her eyes at them and smiles at me. She's had a crush on me ever since we audition for Smosh together, but I've never had, or will have, feelings for her.
I open the door and run to the parking lot. Olivia looks at me and puts her hand out, gesturing for me to throw her my keys. I throw it to her, and to no surprise, she doesn't catch it. We both stop moving and just stare at each other. It was only a second before we started bursting out into laughter. She grabs my keys from the ground and runs to my car. She puts the key in the ignition and hops into the passenger seat. I hop into the car shortly after and start to drive to her apartment.
Olivia: Wait! Can we stop and get some food. I'm so fricken hungry.
Shayne: When are you not hungry?
I see Olivia get a call and answer it. I couldn't quite see who was calling or hear why.
Olivia: Oh hey... Oh my car broke down... No, why would you think that... We're just friends.
As soon as I heard that, I knew it was Courtney. She probable saw us getting into my car. I let out a sigh and my mind was stuck on the three words that came out of her mouth.
"We're just friends."

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