Chapter 19- Dreams

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I woke up crying. It was just a dream. Matt isn't dead!

(So, all of the last chapter was a dream, except for the part where she hasn't been in school so Matt hasn't didn't say he loves her she was dreaming it.)

"Claire honey, are you okay?" My mom asks as she comes into my room.

"Yeah, I just wish I knew why Matt doesn't want to be friends..." I broke eye contact.

"Well, ask him in the morning," Mom smiles and closes my door.

Why wait?

I jump out of bed and run outside, grabbing a fist full of pebels and begin pelting them at Matt's window.

"Claire?" He says in a sexy groggy voice while opening his window.

"Hey stranger," I smile.

"You do realize it's 3 AM right?" He almost laughs.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep," I shrug.

"I could," he rolls his eyes at me.

"I miss you Matthew," I cut right to the chase. "Please, this is killing me. Why don't you want to be friends?"

"Claire," Matt sighs while running a hand through his hair. "Promise you won't make fun of me?"

"What on earth are you talking about?!" I wrinkle my nose at him.

"Promise?!" He says sternly.

"Fine, I promise." I roll my eyes at this idiotic boy.

"Because Claire, I'm in love with you and that scares me. I'm literally afraid of you. It's stupid, yeah, I know but I've never felt this way about anyone ever before and I'm so damn afraid of messing this up I-"

"Matthew that's completely ridiculous!" I shout and hit myself in the forehead.

"I told you it was!" He rolls his eyes.

"So you were trying to prevent messing this up by messing it up?!" I roll my eyes and pretend to bang my head on the wall of my house.

"You promised you wouldn't make fun!" He squeals. "Give me a minute," he sighs before closing his window.

A few minutes later he comes outside wearing sweatpants and a sweat shirt not zipped up with the sleeves rolled up and a black t-shirt on underneath. I scold myself mentally for staring.

"Claire," he whispers and I can't help but launch myself into his arms.

~Matt's POV~

I meet her in bewtween our houses and I freeze in my tracks. It's been so hard to stay away from her! Yeah, it's only been like a week but I just... I love her okay?

And now, there she is, standing in all her glory.

"Claire," I whisper, her eyes lock on mine and I wrap my arms around her, squeezing her so tightly. "God Claire I missed you."

"Matthew, don't be an idiot and leave me again okay?" She sighs into my shoulder.

"Okay," I smile and nuzzle my head on hers.

"Matt..." She hesitates. "I love you too by the way."

I freeze. She loves me. "You do?"

"Yeah, I really do," she giggles. I pull back and look her in the eyes before hesitantly attaching our lips. God, I missed this.

I missed her familliar smell, her familliar laugh. The way she rolls her eyes sarcastically when I make a corny joke even though we both know she loves them. Her lips, oh how I've missed her lips.

I've missed her.

"Matt, stay with me tonight," she whispers as she breaks the kiss. "I won't be able to sleep without you."

"Niether will I," I admit before kissing her forehead.

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