Chapter One: Bad Home

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*No POV*

John sat on his small bed in his room, if you could even call it that. it was small and cramp and he couldnt move around much. it was like a cupboard under the stairs from fairy tales.

John lived in a 'pet shop'. a place where him and other animals\human hybrids are kept, bread, and sold. almost every kindo of hybrid was their, foxes, cats, dogs, birds, deer, mice, bunnies, you name it. It was there.

Everyone had a small room, barely enough room to move around let alone sleep in. The small creepy bed he had took up most the room and it was empty except for an iron door at the front of the room. John had heard that some hybrids were forced to share a room which must have been much worse.

John had been in this system 3 years.

He had to leave because it was either him, or the whole family. He was put in a place just like this only he was neglected... it was better than being touched.
He had been in the current shop for 2 out of those 3 years.

He was beat if he didnt pay attention or obey orders. If he did something wrong he'd be punished which John would never speak about.

He hadn't seen or heard from his family since he was taken away and did miss them dearly and holed they didn't worry too much about him. John hated this pet shop but if he tried to get away, it be worse.

John was favored because apparently he was the "prettiest boy" in the shop. Its a reason he was never adopted. They wanted only someone sure to be a right fit to take him. It made John shudder at the thought

"Princess~" Mr Reynolds called from outside the door.

Oh yea. John wasn't called John here. He was called "Princess." Or "Doll face" or any other nickname. John looked up and watched as a man ope ded the door. James Reynolds. He owner of his hell hold.

John looked at him with wide eyes, he knew Reynolds liked looking at his eyes and would be nicer if he got what he wanted.

"Sweetie~ come along. Someone wants to take a look at you." he hummed. This person must be something if he was getting to actually look at John.

John stood up and walked out, not making eye contact. As he walked by Reynolds, he slapped his was making John flinch as he walked forward. Reynolds grabbed his wrist, turning him so John would face him.

"No talking unless spoken to, no tears, no claw flexing, and no hissing." he nstruvted. He didn't sound that agressive, just stern.

John nodded as Reynolds clamped a chain into his collar.

His collar. Oh yes. That.

John wore a black collar that was very right and almost choked him in his sleep several times. On it, stitched in small white strands was the name "princess". every hybrid had one.

John was led out by Reynolds pulling in his collar. John tried not to whimper as he was led into the office. A man stood, waiting for Reynolds. John didn't look up at the man until he walked over to John.

"He's my best one. Not just his looks too." Reynolds aaid, chuckling a mad laugh.

John made eye contact with him. His eyes were a deep brown like his hair. The man ran his hand over John's ear and along his tail. John hated the feeling because he knew it was sexual. He stayed still as the man studied him.

"What did you say his name was?"
He had a nice voice. It could be calming if he didn't sound so aggressive.

"Princess. Well we useally call him that but just tell him what your gunna call him and he'll respond to that." Reynolds said. "I'll take him." the man said, not looking at John anymore but back at Reynolds.

"Alright. I got the things he'll need right here. I understand you have everything else?" Reynolds said. The man chuckled deeply and nodded.

"Let me help you walk him down. Since you didn't bring your car it'll be easier."

It seemed like the man wanted to object but just nodded and allowed Reynolds to grab John's leash and yank on it. He moved closer to him as he did so.

The man grabbed the bags that Reynolds had left on his desk and walked over to the shop door.

They started talking as they walked out the door. It was a nice day. Warm. John hadn't been out here like this in a long time. Last time it was a harsh and snowy day.

John picked out words of their sentaces and guessed that this man had been waiting a while for John and had, quote "special palns" for him. It made John shiver and thankfully Reynolds didn't notice.

It was just a few blocks away of John being silent and the men talking buissness till they stopped.

They walked into a really nice apartment. The man gave a nod to the reception and took the elevator. Reynolds fowllowed him in. It was like a hotel but more like home.

Well, not home to John. John had lived in the country as a kid before being taken away.

They got out to be greeted by a small room with a door and a number. John guessed it elf straight to the house becaus the man was getting his keys out.

The door opended and he was greeted by a nice home living room. The guy put the things down and Reynolds yanked me forward, pushing me down onto my knees. I stared at the floor as he let the leash go.

"Well princess, this is where I leave you. I will dearly miss having you around but it's time you meet your new master~ he's waited a long time to meet you." Reynolds purred.

John looked up at the man.

"His name is Alexander Hamilton but you will call him whatever he tells you to."

John nodded and Reynolds yanked the leash up. Alex stood, arms crossed looking at John again.

"Is there somewhere you what him to go well we finish up our arrangements?" Reynolds asked.

"There's a room right down that hall, last door. It's on the left." Alex said. John nodded and before he walked away, Reynolds pulled him close and whispered.

"Be good kittem~ Follow the rules" he purred, pushing John away.

John walked to the room. It was a nice room with a long sized bed and a small wardrobe and a window with a nice view of New York city.

John collapsed and leaned his back agenst the bed and started to cry. Sib was more like it. He couldn't stop the years as they came.

He hated login so far.

Hey hey hey. Wanted to do this for a while and here it is! It gets better.
I promise.

Well I got inspiration from if He books (like always) but it's MOSTLY all my idea. And the gang comes in soon. I promise. Just waitttt

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