Chapter Two: Alexander

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I say with James Reynolds filling out the final forms. I had been wanting to save that poor boy for a long time and finally, after months of waiting, pretending to be dirty, and so much more. I got him.

I signed my name at the bottom "A.Ham" and it was done. He was mine. I could finally give that sweet boy the life he deserved.

*Switch to no pov (Fight me)*

Alex had played Reynolds's sick game but now he could go comfort the boy he has worked so hard for. "Really Alexander, take good care of him. He's submissive but innocent." Reynolds said. Alex nodded and stood ip, putting the papers away.

"Good day, Hamilton. Come if you need anything at all." he said. Alex nodded and waved as Reynolds left his house.

Alex sighed in relief.

He was inching to get to the cat boy and quickly sent a text to his friends before he did anything.

He walked down the hall and put his ear up agenst the door. He hear...... Crying?
He slowly opended the door to see the freckles cat boy on the ground, leaning agents the bed on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest and crying. He was shaking and looked terrified.

Alex walked next to him and leaned to his level. He put his hand on the smaller boys shoulder but the second he did the boy flinched and looked up. As of his life depended on it, he tried rubbing his already red eyes.

"M-Mr hamilton... I-im S-Sorry-" He choked out but Alex shushed him and held the boys arm away. He slowly rubbed the meifwa's back and the smaller boy melted into his touch.

"What's your real name?" Alex asked softly.

"....John" he replied weakly.

They spent a few minutes like this of Alex whispering comforting words to John as he cried until it turned into hiccups. John straighteners himself up even thought his hair was spread out and messy. His eyes were still red but he didn't look as terrified.... Just sad.

"T-Thank you Mr Hamilton but-" "Please. Call me Alex, or Alexander." Alex interrupted. John looked at him in auprise and nodded, not meeting his eyes.

"Thank you A-Alexander but we should get to.... W-work." he said, hesitating on the last word. His cheeks looked redder than before.

"Work?" Alex questioned. He looked confused at the Meifwa boy as he seemed flustered. "Y-you know.... T-That...." John said, trying not to say the exact word.

Alex took a second but he finally got the message. God! He was such an idiot sometimes.

"N-No. John." he said, causing the meifwa bit to look at him in confusion.

"See, John. I adopted you to give you a better act. I only said those things for Reynolds. I'd never purposely put something like that on you." he said gently.

"R-Really?" John said a did he couldn't believe his ears.

Alex nodded and John's eyes watered as he threw his arms around Alex's neck. Alex laughed and held the smaller boy he seemed to be shaking.

"Thank you..... Thank you.... Thank you.... Alex... Thank you." he whispered, repeat ing the same phrase.

Alex put on hand to John's neck and unclipped the collar. "Mind if I get rid of this?" he asked. John nodded and Alex three it away.

He picked the freckle s boy up, seeing as he was still holding onto Alex.

John yelped as Alex picked him up but calmed down as Alex shifted to be holding John bridal style.

"Why don't we get something to eat. You look like you could it." Alex said, examining John's small frame. He was totally underfed.

John nodded shyly and Alex carried him to the kitchen. He was perfectly happy to carry the small boy and he could feel that. John kinda liked being held.

He set the small boy down down at the kitchen table and walked to the fridge. It was a huge kitchen with 2 stoves and a big metal fridge. Their were pans on the sale and a big sink.

He grabbed some pre-made sushi he had prepared and walked over to John. John looked confused as Alex have him the plate. "What is this?" he asked innocently.

"Sushi. Its a kind of fish." he said. John flicked his ear and picked it up.

He put in his mouth and made a weird face as he chewed. Alex laughed as John swallowed.

"I'm guessing you like it." Alex said. John waited for a momment before responding. John nodded slyly as Alex scratched his ear and John purred.

Alex used the girl that John hadnt bothered with and picked up another piece of sushi and put it in John's mouth. John looked a bit startled but chewed it anyways.

"John. How do you feel about other people?" Alex asked softly. John swallowed and looked at him nervously. "I-I don't know.... Are they like... You?" he asked shyly.

Alex raised an eyebrow but soon got what John was saying.

"Oh yes. Of course." Alex assured, he had forgotten about how few decent people John had been near.

"They're great you'll like them" akez assured 8th a smile. John smiled, his eyes showed he fully trusted Alex's judgement which made Alex feel a bit nervous of them meeting.

"ALEX HOLY FUCK." a voice yelled and the boys heard a door slam

It seems like that friend could be about any of the squad

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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