Chapter 3

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When i woke up i turned off my song that was stuck on repeat.Then i hear a noise that was unherd when i had my music on. It was a tapping noise, like a shoe hittting the floor over and over in intisapation. I grabbed the bat next to me just in case. As i reached for the metal bat I felt another hand pressed on mine, my heart stoped and i froze. I didnt know wahat to do. Till i herd a mans voice say "Lin." When i herd that i new it was Tanem. I got up and hugged him, it took him a seconed but he hugged back.

"Lin, im sorry ive been really busy and i thought i should probably talk to you about some things that need to be cleared up......."

I didnt let him finish his sentence cause i was tired of his stupied girlfriend gettin in the way. So i did something i probably shouldnt of, and at the moments that his lips touched mine i instintaly regreted it. Then all my regret left me when i felt him kiss back. I felt his warmth, i never wanted the kiss to stop. I ended up putting my hand on his chest and pushing him not to hard but just enough so he knows that the kiss is done.

"Im so sorry , i know youre dating Rocky i shouldnt of done that" i said.

"Its ok, and im not dating her anymore, i broke up with her and thats what i needed to talk to you about."

When im with him my head goes silent, it feels like im set free. There is always constint  thoughts in the back of my head that i try to ignore but there was no need to ignore them when the are completely gone.

"I need to tell you something to its super important but i havn't had the time to tell you."

"You go firts then."Tanem

" Well you know how my dad has his episodes well this time it was really bad. He killed everyone but me. I saw and herd them scream and i didnt know what to do. I just saw it all happen I saw the blood splatter I saw the fear in there eyes. I saw regret in my moms eye. I knew it was all my fault if I would of just done something instead of sitting back and watching my whole life fall apart they would be ok"

I went silent for a bit as i felt the tears forming in my eyes. I didn't want to cry. I couldnt help it though, i was disapointed in my self when i felt a tear roll down my cheek and another one followed ,they were so warm.

"H-He made me do it, i had to there was nohing i could do. I had to kill him. He kept yelling at me to pull the trigger and i did and when i did i closed my eyes and hopped i missed. I didnt i got him right in between the eyes, i loved him so much and now he is gone cause i killed him."

I started to cry and i knew i still had to tell him so much more. On how i love him and i miss him and how much i want him back but thay would just make me cry more. Tanem just held me and put my head on his chest. I made my self stop crying, as I got off of his chest he wiped away my final tears.

"Lin, I want to tell you that's its not your fault its never your fault you didn't nothing. Your dad loved you its just he couldn't help it cause he was not mentally there. I love you, its not hard at all to fall in lobe with you and when I told you that I loved you before I started dating Rocky I meant it, and I still do. I want us to become a real thing, I have known you for like 10 years and it only took me 1 week to figure out I want you. That I need you. You're mean the world tome and when I didn't have you in my life I couldn't get my mind off of you. None stop all I thought about was you. How amazingly beautiful you are and how I want to spend the rest of my life with a perfect and a girl I cant describe with words. Lina Fig, I love you and I want you to stay in my life forever."

As he got down on one knee he was looking up at me with such kind eyes, eyes that I fell into. They were so loving I  felt like I fell so hard in love whenever I look into them. He was so nervous I could tell, just by the shakiness in his voice to the drip of sweat on his forehead. If  he was scared that I was going to say no, there was nothing to be scared of. My love for him will never end, we have been through so much together.


"You are everything i have ever wanted in a girl, breaking your heart was the stupiedist thing i have ever done. I promise i will never do it again, i shoulve been there in you time of need  and i wasnt but  now that nothing can seperate us i will do anything you want and be there for  you at all times. Will you marry me?"


I put out my hand and i was so happy i started to cry. Tanem picked me up and swung me around in the air. I put a smile on his face when he made me giggle.

I was only 7 when i found the love of my life, he was eight. Im now 17 and he is 18. So many peopel doubted Tanem and I's marrige but they all were wrong. I was so lucky to find a man like him especially at this age. Saying yes was the best choice of my life. It all seems perfect and it really is but i just cant get the guts to tell Tanem that i am just like my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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