She's Mine! {Yeri of Red Velvet}

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"Sun Lee, wake up!" I woke up to someone whispering in my ear followed by a gentle shake at my side, I groaned and turned the owner of the voice, opening my eyes to the one and only, Kim Yerim my best friend (and crush) for as long as I can remember, I let out a low groan and swatted her hands away, sitting up against my headboard.

"Yerim" I started calmly lacing my fingers together on my lap, "Would you like to tell me why the hell you snuck into my room at 12am?" I asked her waiting for an explanation.

"Well...I was wondering if-" as she was speaking I rose my hand, stopping her from continuing. I knew exactly why she was here, she wanted me to go to a party with her, I shook my head repeatedly.

"Nope, nope, nope, nope!, I already know what your going to ask and the answer is no!" I said crossing my arms, still shaking my head.

"What do you mean!? I didn't even finish talking yet!" She pouted childishly and crossed her arms.

"Yeri, I know you, and just by looking at your outfit, I can tell your about to try convince and me to go to a party with you!" I looked at her outfit again; black shorts, pink fishnets, her favorite pair of black over-the-knee boots, topped off with a pink crop top and her short, messy blonde hair. She looked really good. Like REALLY good, it was getting kind of hard to say no to her but I really didn't feel like getting all dolled up just for a party.

"Sun Lee, please I promised I would bring a friend! Plus, I really wanted to spend some time with you..." Yeri looked at shyly holding onto my arm gently, "Please?"

I blushed and looked down, sighing quietly, this girl is going to be the death of me, I swear. I looked at her again she was still holding my arm, I let out a long breath and brushed my hair back out of my face.

"You know what, a party doesn't sound too bad after all. But, there's one condition." Yeri perked up and nodded quickly.

"Anything! What is it?!" she asked quickly, I giggled and got out of my bed walking towards my closet to pick out an outfit similar to Yeri's.

"I sleep over at your place afterwards, Deal?" I ask putting my long dark hair into a high ponytail and pulling out a pair of black fishnets, a pink skirt and a black crop top similar to hers from my closet.

Yeri laughed and stood next to me at the closet "That was going to happen anyway, silly!", she said pulling out an over night bag and stuff some of my clothes in it. I laughed at grabbed my clothes

"Ill be back in a minute, I'm going to the bathroom to change" I said looking back at Yeri

"Ok!, but hurry up the party starts at 1:00!" I looked over at my clock it was already 12:45, I rushed to the bathroom and put on my clothes and some light makeup with pink lipstick, I ran back to my room and slipped on my black ankle boots before waving Yeri to come on.

"Yeri, we can leave through the front door my parents wont be home until next week!, Let's go!" I said running out my room with Yeri right behind me, we ran down the stairs together and left my house and ran to her car.

I got in on the passenger side and put my seatbelt on, I looked at Yeri couriosly "So, who's party is this exactly?" I asked her

Oh, its for a girl named umm Eve I think, but she spells it strangely like, Y-v-e-s or something." Yeri responded giggling a bit.


"Hey!, Wake up we're here" Yeri said squealing cheerfully. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a huge house surrouned by people dancing crazily. We walked up to the front door and to our surprise it was left unlocked so we let ourselves inside. The inside was just as huge as the outside, I looked around astonished with the beauty of the house but also the number of people that were here. I looked over at Yeri curious as to how she was reacting to the house, and it was no surprise she was reacting the same as me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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