Chapter 5

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"Go on. Get out of here before they catch you" John looked at me, surprised. " But don't ever think i will forgive you. St...stay away from me John" i turned away before he could see my fresh tears, know that I didn't want him to leave. My chest was tight and sore. I was broken. "You don't mean that. You-" "Do not try to tell me how I'm feeling! Leave. Now" And then I walked away, ears buzzing, head spinning. I heard  John cry out "You know where I'll be! I'll wait for you"

In the early hours of the morning, Lord O'Donnel addressed his staff. He looked worn out and dishevelled, in his silk dressing gown and fur-lined slippers. In all fairness to him, the Lord had worked just as hard as the rest of us. He was the last to give up, refusing to watch his beautiful house crumble to the ground. It lay now a smoking ruin. There had never really been a chance of saving it. "As you have more than likely already guessed", the Lord said in his upper class drawl " My family and I shall be leaving. As a consequence of what has happened tonight, we can no longer afford to keep the majority of you. I apologise for this, and thank you for being such a hardworking and kind group of people. Good luck" With a small bow, the Lord disappeared into his carriage. The cook and the housekeeper were the only two staff members going with the family. Cook came over and hugged me tight. I was taken aback. The cook was a strict and formal woman. "You take care of that wee gurleen now you hear?" she whispered. "I will m'am don't worry" She pulled away, then added as an afterthought "And find that young man of yours" She winked and turned away, leaving me feeling empty and numb.The lady of the house smiled weakly at us, and dragged Jacob into the carriage. Lizzy ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist   "I wish you were coming Sinéad" She looked from right to left, and then whispered "You're the prettiest" I grinned at her and hugged her back " I'll miss you too Little Lizzie, but you'll be fine. You'll love England. Be a good girl now" She hugged Penny, and then trotted away.

This left me and Penny alone. The rest of the staff left almost immediately. Off home. We had no idea where to go. We slept in the empty stables that night. All the horses had been taken. Eventually, I knew what i had to do


"So is this where you were born?" We had found our way back to my old home. I had never realised how far away it was. We were standing outside. I was trying to find the strengh to go in. I had left this all behind. Brought none of it with me. Well, except him. but I was leaving him behind too. With that thought in mind, I strode up to the door and pulled it open. I froze. "No. No way. Get out" John looked up at me. He put another sod of turf on the fire, and stood up to face me. 


That is Hugh Bonneville as Lord O'Donnel :P

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