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I woke up from my sleep and checked my phone right away, hoping that he'll text me or something.

Somehow,there's something that makes me want to know him more.

I checked it. There's nothing.

I sighed.

I took a shower and cook breakfast.

Fortunately, I don't have school today

For the second time, I checked my phone again and-

There's a message from an unknown number.

Meh that's probably not him..

Hey good morning.It's very rare for me to have someone calls me at 4 am and asked me to sing

Wait,is this him?

and I don't know why I'm texting you but you sounds cool so..

me? cool?

Hey.. sorry for my odd request a few hours ago

That's ok. I don't mind.I'm jungkook. May I know your name?

Woah I can't believe someone would actually wanna be friends with me lmao

Sure..I'm jinhee.

I'm bored..wanna meet up?
I know we just know each other for a few hours but I think we should have some fun together. nothing sexual though 😂

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