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Roughly a week later, after Link's past counterpart had fallen to the guardians and been taken to the Shrine of Resurrection, peace had mostly returned to the outer regions of Hyrule. This included settlements like Hateno Village, Gerudo Town, and even Zora's Domain. Zelda was sealed away in Hyrule castle with Ganon, where she would be for the next 100 years until the Shrine of Resurrection would finally open. Link's true counterpart, however, knew he'd be dead several years before that time came by. That fact was why he had chosen to remain in the past, living out the rest of his days in Zora's Domain with Mipha and the rest of her people.

For the first time since his early childhood, Link was finally beginning to feel truly happy. His acceptance of the zora chestplate had marked his official engagement to the zora princess, which was celebrated momentously among the entire Domain. He would actually get to witness Prince Sidon growing up in person, which was a gift he didn't even know how to describe. He was finally surrounded by people he loved, which were the zoras, and he was engaged to a beautiful Champion of the likes. Lastly, his stresses, woes, and responsibilities were left behind with the dismantled sheikah slate, the remains of which were now likely washed to the bottom of the East Reservoir.

He did have some loose ends to tie up, however. Most of the elders in Zora's Domain, Muzu included, were skeptical as to why Link had returned happily to the Domain with their princess in the middle of the Great Calamity, despite having planned to include her in a great counterattack mission. The hero would surely have a lot of explaining to do for everyone, especially since his counterpart in the Shrine of Resurrection would be taking his place and visiting the Domain after his death as part of his great journey. To any who were uninformed, it would seem like he came back from the dead. Although this was an added bonus for Prince Sidon, it would be straight-up terrifying for any other unsuspecting members of the Domain.

In addition, Link would have to stress to Mipha very carefully that neither of them interferes with Vah Ruta during the next 100 years, or any of the Divine Beasts for that matter, in order to avoid a critical time paradox. After all, following the Great Calamity, the Beasts had fallen into quiet hibernation, and it was his counterpart's job to deal with them after their reawakening in 100 years. If anyone who wasn't originally supposed to be around during this time period messed with the natural progression of events, it would theoretically cause many larger issues. Finally, if Mipha were to ever interact with Link's counterpart after he leaves the Shrine of Resurrection in 100 years, it would even further disrupt the natural continuum. Therefore, much to his dismay, Link would eventually have to have a talk with Mipha and tell her never to see nor talk to his counterpart in 100 years after he leaves the Shrine. It was a tragic circumstance, but personally, he found their original continuum of events to be far more so in comparison.

Today, however, was not a day that Link wanted to think about all that kooky time-travel jargon. The Calamity had passed, the sun was out, and Zora's Domain was feeling quite lively with their princess doing as well as she was. As they had done many times before together, he and Mipha sat casually in the tall, wavy grass by the base of Veiled Falls, feeling the waterfall's cool mist on their bodies and enjoying each other's company. Unlike the other times, though, Prince Sidon, ever young and innocent, was actually with them, swimming and playing in the water while his big sister and her fiancé held hands in the grass.

Mipha decided to be the first to break the silence, as she had something important on her mind to share with him. "Link, there's something I've been patiently waiting to tell you for the last couple weeks..." she began, "...even before you traveled back to save me."

Link turned his eyes away from Sidon in the water, giving Mipha his full attention. While using her left hand to hold that of Link's, she brought her right hand up to her head and began toying with tailfin hanging down behind her. "You know, I was originally going to share this with you in front of the other Champions at the base of Mt. Lanayru last week, but I was cut off when Calamity Ganon broke free from the castle. Everyone had to split up before I could get the words out..."

The blushing princess was cut off when her brother swam up to them, visibly excited. "Sis, sis, sis!" He squealed repeatedly. According to Mipha, "sis" had been Sidon's first word, and although his vocabulary was noticeably larger now, he still used the word more often than anything else. "Snail!" He exclaimed proudly, holding up a sneaky river snail that he had found in the pond. Mipha giggled.

"Very good, Sidon!" She beamed, taking the snail from her young brother's outstretched hands. "You see, Sidon, these snails are special, because their shells glow in the dark! Would you like to see?"

Sidon grinned from cheek-to-cheek, exposing his full array of pointy pearly-whites. Mipha closed her two fists together like a cup, making sure to have the snail positioned between both palms. She then offered her brother to step forward and peer into the dark hole made by her clamped hands. Sure enough, when Sidon leaned over and did so, he saw the brown shell of the snail appear to glow a shade of neon green. He giggled and clapped his hands together, making both Link and Mipha laugh with him.

She handed the snail back to the playful prince, who took it with him back to the pond to continue swimming. Mipha took hold of Link's hand again and sighed, gazing dreamily at her adorable brother. "Sweet, sweet Sidon. So young and full of positive energy. It's...amazing to think that...at his age...he's already going to be an uncle soon."

Link's eyes shot open, and with a gasp, he turned to look at Mipha with shock. Mipha, having met his gaze, smiled warmly. "Yes, Link, that's what I wanted to tell you earlier. I was going to say it at Mt. Lanayru last week, but I was unable. Thanks to you..." She tightened her grip on Link's hand and shifted it towards her lower abdomen, so he could feel for himself. "...I'm expecting eggs soon."

Link needed a few moments to get over the shock, but once he did, his slacked jaw slowly turned into a loving smile. Yes, he thought, he finally was happy.


Author's Note: Well, there you have it! Sorry for that ending there, but I felt like I just had to. Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and mikeanthony321's gotta write about makin' babies! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my first Breath of the Wild fanfic. I'm into writing romantic adventures, so if that's your thing, I'm glad I interested you!  Lastly, if you enjoyed this story, consider supporting me on my new Ko-Fi page!  [https://ko-fi.com/mikeanthony321]

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