Ch.15 Only Levi's

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Eren's POV

"Ok anytime you feel dizzy just tell me ok?" asked Levi as he walked me home with Mikasa

"Yeah eren, if you're dizzy just lean on me, K!" said Mikasa with concern on her face 

"I'm fine you guys, i just fainted, i was probably really tried or... something" i said rubbing my arm

"But you looked fine to me!" said Levi, not believing in my explanation

   i sighed "Levi... don't worry about me i'm totally fine now!" i said trying to lighten up the mood

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, Yeah just make sure to drink a lot of water before going to bed" he said 

"sure" i said not listening to what he was telling me 

He suddenly grabbed my arm, "What the heck Levi!" i screamed 

"That exactly what i'm asking, what the heck eren!, you have to take better care of yourself, what if  when you fainted and you were seriously hurt? What if you fainted and never woke up!, I know you say you're ok, but sometimes there are people who love you and want you to be truthful!" he said as he shook me, his eyes filled with tears 

I felt guilty, for making him cry, i've never seen his this upset before, 'You can't die on me... not again...'  

"Did you say something Levi?" i asked, i thought i heard him say something

"No... it's nothing" he said reluctantly letting go of my arm, he kept his head down in shame

i sighed once more, "Ok, i promise to be more careful, ok Levi?, so don't go worrying yourself about it!" i said placing my hand on his shoulder 

He thought for a minute "Ok... but if you faint again call me ok!" he said as he gave me his phone number on a paper

"Oh, me to!" said Mikasa, trying to catch up to us, i didn't even notice we were walking 

Levi's POV

"My heart felt like it was about to explode, what was this idiot thinking? He should take better care of him self! For all i know, he could die and leave all alone again, but i'm not going to let this happen, i will always protect him!

He sighed "Ok i promise to be more careful, ok Levi?, so don't go worrying yourself about it!" he said putting a hand on my shoulder, i internally sighed, as hard as i try i will never be able to refuse him, i never could, because seeing him smile at me, was one of the things i yearned for... for him to only look at me and for him to love me again... i would do anything to have him back.

"Ok... but if you faint again call me ok!" i said giving him my phone number on a paper 

"Oh me to!" screamed that over protective bitch(Mikasa), i hate her as much as i did back then, i hate her even more now, how dare she touch Eren, and hug him! He's mine!.

"Anyway i'm a bit hungry, you guys want to get anything?" eren asked, he tilted his head a bit, like a dog would, i found it utterly adorable.

"Yeah, why don't we go get some ramen?" i asked him, he then nodded

"Oh, i wanna go to!" said that bitch

"You stay out of this!" i yelled, jealousy took over my senses

"Wow, Levi i know you wanted to go with just me, but there's no need to yell at Mikasa, ok?" asked eren with a gentle smile, i felt like an arrow just shot through my heart, and calmed my soul, he's very lucky that i love him, and that i would do anything for him.

~~ time skip~~

After we finished eating i walked eren home, and i guess Mikasa to but she's not important, i checked the time on my phone, '10:46', it was pretty late, so i quickly hurried home.

As soon as i closed my house door, i heard my mother voice, "So Levi, can you explain to me why you're home so late?" she asked tapping her foot against the floor, 

"I was walking my friend home from school, because he fell sick and i didn't want to leave him alone" i said, 'especially with her' i thought,    

"Well at least call me of something! i was worried" my mother said

"Yes i'm sorry mother, but i couldn't leave him!" i said, remembering what happened earlier.

"Levi, do you like this person?"she asked, i flinched, she caught me!"  

"No why would you think that?" i asked nervously 

"Oh, Levi i can tell you're as straight as a rainbow!" she said laughing 

i sighed in defeat "Yes mother, i not only like this person... i love them, with all my life, i would anything for them, just to make them smile" i said, imagining Eren smiling face, and his oh so plump kissable lips.

"Sooo, what's his name?" she asked 

"His name is Eren, and from the first moment i saw him, i knew he was going to be mine" i told her confidently.

"Describe him" she said

"Briefly? because if not then i would go on and on about how cute he is, i could literally write a book talking about the 100 reason's why i love him" i said

she laughed "Briefly" she then said

"Ok, Eren to me... he's my everything, everything about him make me smile, everything to his really soft chocolate brown hair that's softer than a fluffy blanket, and his adorable smile, his perfect teeth, his small cute nose, his sun kissed skin, and most beautiful of all..his eye's, where do i start with his eyes? His eye's are more beautiful than the sea, there this really pretty Caribbean color, and when his eye are next to the sunset, they glow like star's in the sky and when they gaze at the star's his eye's reflect them which make his eye's look like an infinitive galaxy of star's" i said

"Wow, and that's just how he looks like you haven't even told me about his personality yet!" she said

"Well eren's personality, eren, at times is like a puppy, but sometimes when things get serious, he can be a demon in a puppy's clothing, he can be very brave but that's bad because he's very stubborn! He could get him self killed one day! But he is also extremely kind and caring person capable of giving his life to save another. But he can also be selfish and only think of himself, and not think of other people's feelings. He can be very touchy with certain things but can be blunt with other things. And most of all, he can be stunning and adorable. And can turn me on without even knowing" i said finally taking a breath

"Levi... you really love this eren don't you?" she asked

"More than you know mother" i said looking fondly at the ground

"I hope you introduce me to him, i would want to meet the person who's brought my son's happiness back" she said

"Of course mother, i would want nothing more" i said as i headed to my room

As i laid on my bed, i thought of eren, why did he faint?, why did he cry?, is he starting to remember?, i hope so... i want him to love me back again, i thought him out of all the people would remember me, would remember how much i love him and need him, but reality is a harsh world.



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