Ch.16 Know one like Eren

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~~ A month has passed~~

During this month, me and that bitch have been trying to get eren to remember something!, anything!, but no luck. So far i've known eren for a month or so, and he still hasn't remembered anything!  

I'm literally dying to tell him, the days are passing and i'm not getting any younger, i've wanted to tell him, but Erwin keeps telling not to, or and i quote "it could harm his brain", the chances of that happening are 50/50, so Erwin doesn't wanna risk it, he says that if eren get's hurt, i'll go ballistic... that's probably true, but i still want to tell him.

You can't deny that eren is beautiful and attractive, and he has an enjoyable personality but i'll never say that out loud, but what bothers me about his personality sometimes, is that he's to nice! He will make every god damn girl fall HARD for him, and that stresses me out, cause he's mine and will always be mine.

suddenly my phone rang, i checked to see who it was... 'unknown' it said, and out of curiosity i answered,  "Hello?" i asked

"This is Levi?, right" the voice of a female came through the phone 

"Yes, who's this?" i asked a little bit unsettled 

"It's Mikasa" the voice said, i immediately sighed in relief, i was glad it wasn't some stalker

"How did you get my number" i asked again, she sighed 

"Hange, but that's not important, i was going to ask if you knew where Eren was" she said, i could hear the worry in her voice 

"No i don't know where he is, why what happened?" i asked now worried myself

"Well, he said that he forgot something at school and went to get it, but he hasn't come back!" she said letting her worried emotions flow out

 "Ok i'm going to look for him, i'll call you once i find him" i said as i ended the call, i quickly got a sweater and rushed out the door.

First i made my way towards the school, once i got in i asked one of the janitors if they've seen Eren, they told me that they saw him about 15 min carrying some books, i thanked them and went on my way, I went to the town next, ' Maybe he got lost, i mean he did just move here' i thought, i tried to stay positive and not think of all the horrible things that could happen to him.

Making my way around the town, i spotted a math book on the floor, but why would there be... Eren!, he must have dropped it... but why? i didn't want to find out so i sped up a little, and down the road, there were sounds of sirens and blue flashing lights, what was going on?

  I made my way towards the commotion, hoping that Eren was alright, i saw people in white clothing lift up a person in a stretcher.  I quickly ran towards them, as i ran closer, i began to see more of the persons features, brown soft hair... maybe too soft, sun kissed skin, that was now a bit pale, i didn't need to keep looking to know who it was, i could recognize this person from a mile away.

My heart sank to my stomach, and like the first day i thought i saw eren i ran, i ran so fast like my life was about to end, i pushed the people in white away from him so i could get to him, they tried to stop me but i just sent them a glare, know one dared to stop me from going to eren,

"Eren, are you ok, where are you hurt?" i asked him, but no answer came, he just looked like he was in a lot of pain 

i caressed his cheek "Come on eren, answer me!" i said, tears threatening to spill

"Sir please we need to get him to the hospital, luckily his injury is not that serious, we'll be able to fix him in 2 days" said one of people dressed in white 

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