Pt.1 ~Moving~🚗

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"WHAT!?" She screamed loud enough to make the room shake slightly. The older man winced slightly and continued what he had been saying. "Hunny, please calm down. We have to move, I got a new job down in Colorado." She gave the man one of her death glares that send shivers down anyone's spines. "WELL YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST ASKED ME BEFORE YOU DECIDED TO MOVE US HALFWAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY!!" She yelled again causing the man to walk out of the room and slam the door, causing the room to shake. She flopped onto her bed and screamed into her pillow. She laid there thinking of what her dad had said and tears started to form in her eyes so she quickly wiped them away. "Ugh. Why did he 'ave to get a new job!" Just then her phone beeped. She got a message from one of her really good friends, Abby Revneh. She quickly grabbed her phone and unlocked it. Opening Skype, and looking at the text from her friend.
😇Abby: Hey, Jamie! Didn't see you at school today, are you ok?
😜Jamie: Hey, and no.... I'm not. 😿
😇Abby: Why, What's wrong? ❔❓
😜Jamie: I .. just found out that I have to move.. 😢
😇Abby: What!? Why!? We won't be able to see each other!!💔💔
😜Jamie: My dad got a new job in Colorado. 😑
😇Abby: Seriously!? What about are friendship!?💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
😜Jamie: We can talk everyday! We can even video chat! And visit each other during summer and breaks!
😇Abby: Yeah! Text me when you get there!! 😸
😜Jamie: I will! Sorry, it's late I gotta get some sleep. Bye!
😇Abby: Its ok! And same. Night!💤
😜Jamie: Goodnight Abby!💤

( That's the end of the messages. )

She sighed and put her phone on the charger and went to bed.

"Jamieee~.." Silence, eerie silence. "Jamieee~..." More silence. "JAMIE!" Jamie quickly opened her eyes to see someone close to her face. On reflex she shoved them away, growling slightly. The young guy spoke, "Geez, rude much?" He said acting like his feelings were hurt, grabbing his heart dramatically. Jamie just glared at him silently. "Not much of a talker, eh~?" He took a step closer and she suddenly stood up and jumped backwards a few feet. She yelled, "Who the 'ell are ya!?" The male smirked, and began talking, "The names Mane, sweetheart~." He said whilst smirking. DID HE JUST...? DID HE JUST CALL ME SWEETHEART!? OHH 'ELL NO THIS BETCH IS DEAD! She thought to herself, wanting to slap that damn smirk off this stupid face. "Don't. Call. Me. Sweetheart." She glared at him. He sighed and rolled his eyes. Which just made her want to kill him even more. "Jamie listen, I'm her- He was cut off by her interrupting him. "How the 'ell do you know my name!?" She asked. "Don't interrupt!" She rolled her eyes and nodded slightly, motioning for him to continue. "OK as I was saying, I'm here to warn you. When you least expect it, you're whole world will come crashing down on you." He took a breath, but before he could continue she asked, "What the 'ell are ya talking 'bout..??" She looked at him, very confused. He sighed and continued, "Someone will find out your secret. And use it against you, in the near future." He said calmly. She looked scared, and confused. "What!? How? Who!?" She asked quickly. "I don't know how, or who, or even why. All I know is you need to be careful." He said and turned to leave. She quickly grabbed his wrist and asked, "How do you know this!? And where am I!?" He sighed and said, "Because I am a Keeper, and you're dreaming. That's the only way I would be able to tell you, when you are dreaming." He vanished, and there was sudden bright light, someone had opened the curtains in her room, and she started to wake up. She heard a voice softly calling to her, "Jamie, Jamie, its time to wake up hunny." It called out to her, and she chose to listen to it and started to wake up....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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