Imagine ~ Love thats REAL (Matthew Espinosa)

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You're in class. When your crush Matt walks in. You instantly feel flushed. He doesn't look really happy so you planned to talk to him about it after class.


During the middle of class Matt just storms out, and out of all people, the teacher sends you to go look for him.

You walk 2 steps out the door and you see Matt by the lockers, just sitting there with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.

"Are you okay?" You start to say. Matt looks up at you and instantly feels embarrassed. You couldn't help but stare into his brown eyes while he looked up at you. "Yeah" he starts saying. "Actually no" and he resumes to his position with his head in his hand and let out a big sigh.

It took all the courage you had. You sat inches away from him and place your hand on his back. "Do you want to talk about it?" You ask. Matt instantly starts yelling at you. "NO! I don't! I know you have a crush on me but would you mind not trying to get in my life, get the hint! I don't like you back!"

You were frozen like a statue. Still trying to contemplate if what you heard was true. You quickly got up, feeling the quick stream of tears that were starting to form. "Fine I'll never bother you again jerk" you said as you stormed away. You could hear Matt let out a big sigh and kept calling your name. You wiped away the hot tears that came out of your eyes and just ignored Matt.


The whole day You and Matt avoided each other. When the final bell rang, you practically bolted out of that place.

You made it passed the front gate until you felt a hand grab your wrist. You had the instinct to scream. But all you could feel was warmth. And for some strange reason the hair on your neck stood up.

You turned around and all the feelings made sense. "What you are you doing Matt. I thought you didn't want anything to do with me because I have a pity school girl crush on you and I couldn't take a hint" you said trying to sound calm and not burst into tears. "I want to apologize" Matt said apologetically. "I don't need an apology Matt, what I NEED is for you to leave me alone." You said as you tried to escape his grip, but he's grip only got stronger. You tried to yank your arm out only causing him to pull you closer to him and against his chest.

You instantly lost your breath and train of thought. He looked down at your eyes and you could tell he lost his thought too. He was leaning into you just when you said " I umm.... Need to go" you finally escape his grip and you could tell he was standing there dumbfounded staring at you. You could not believe you just did that.


The rest of the day, you replayed what had happened in your head over and over again.


The next day. You really wanted to avoid Matt. You were at your locker when you felt someone come up behind you. "I really need to talk to you (insert name)" Matt said. "There's nothing to talk about" you say slamming your locker. "How about that almost kiss" Matt said impatiently. You wanted to set this dude straight.

"Look, I'm sick and tired of guys like you. Playing these games. For once can anybody just be real?!? That almost kiss never happened. So let's leave it at that. You made it clear that you didn't feel the same way. So I'd rather not be treated like a toy" after you got that off your chest. You walked away. You could feel Matt staring at you, and all you could hear was he fist hit a locker and a grunt of frustration.


It was the end of the day. You walked out of the school gate right when again Matt grabbed your arm. But this time he didn't hesitate at anything.

Matt pulled you in for possibly the best kiss of your life. He put your hand he had in his grip around his neck and your other hand followed. His hands then wrapped around you waist. He was 5 inches taller than you. So after a few minutes. He slid his arms around your thigh so he could lift you up. You were now taller than him. And you felt like you were on air, even though you actually were.

He finally let you down and he then stared into your eyes. "I'm so sorry" he began. "There was stuff going on at home. And I felt like no one cared about how I felt, so when you asked. I thought it was too good to be true and so my natural instinct is to retaliate... I do like you (your name) I've liked you since the first day I've met you, please tell me you didn't mean what you said and you still feel the same way" his eyes full of hope.

You leaned in to kiss him gently. "Does that answer your question?" You said smiling.


Matthew Espinosa ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now