as soon as the accident stopped, i was out of my mind just staring at my dead parents and sister. & suddenly a rescuer entered our home asking if i was okay, she told me to get all i can get that are important things to me and she will put me into the safe shelter, i was still confused crying while trying to get some fixed things in my bedroom. some clothes & the accident started when i just came home from a party that explain what im wearing right now.
" we dont have much time i need to take u now." the rescuer drag me out the house. "wait my family what will happened to them?!??" i tried to get out of the rescuers grip "no worries kid, someone will be taking care of them." the rescuer said to me
when we arrived at the so called safe house we are only 9 which confuses me? it isnt right with these situation these safe house should be full of people right now.
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one girl is reading.
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and then this girl came up to me.
"hey i would be guessing you've got rescued too." she said "teresa by the way you are?" "yea i did, my name is nina. i was wondering why are we the only ones here? don't tell me that we are the only ones who got to survive which is impossible." i asked her "you know nina that's what i'm thinking too, i just dont get it at all."
"you two don't really get it do you? we're trapped here." the girl who's reading suddenly spoke.
me and teresa walked to her
"what do you mean trapped?" i asked "look kid, every sector got to have rich families right? only rich kid got to be rescued i thought it's an advantage but it's not. i just read the letter my dad secretly put in my bag it seems like this was planned." she continued "what do you mean planned?!" teresa shouted a bit " there's a virus spreading through out the world, when we we're kids we have been put a sort of vaccine to be immune to that virus which i thought is good but.." she stop all of a sudden "but what?" the girl in the corner walked to us "so your telling us this is planned all? aries by the way."
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"why dont you guys read it for your self." she gave us the letter
"they needed something from the ones who are immune, they will find the cure and make new generations and be strong don't let them use you after what the get what they wanted from you they will kill you."
we we're shocked and didnt expect, what we knew why? how can they do this to us? so they planned this all along they killed our families just to get us.