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Pier's pov

"Quin? who is quin here." the rescuer opened the door to our room asking our name.
"me" she said while boredly staring at the person. "look what do you really want with us." she asked
the rescuer was stunned by the question "rescuing you ofcourse."
"lie." aries said
"what are you talking about." the rescuer asked.
"don't act dumb bitch." nina said while walking towards the rescuer "or i shall kill you right here." she suddenly had a gun WTFFFF?!?!?! SHE HAD A GUN?!?!

"whoa be careful with that thing." the rescuer said backing off
"or what." nina pointed the gun toward him she suddenly shot the rescuer without conscience in her face " should have think twice before killing our family bitch." we suddenly get the id to have access to all the doors to get the hell out of here

we've all planned to this someone needs to wear the uniform & we will pretend we will be needed to be examined. all we need to do is to pass through the doors get some guns to protect ourselves just in case something bad happens so we begin to exit our room

all i could say is FUCK

there are tons of guard to be passed through
" hey where are you taking them?"
hope we will not be noticed
"doctors need them to the lab to examine them if they will be alright, stage 1 process." hunter said
the guard still staring at us with a doubt.
"okay, be careful." while we supposed to walk and the guard going the opposite way i saw his gun at his back and took it secretly
"hey got a gun." i whispered to blake
"nice dude we will be needed that and we need more."

let us escape this fucking place

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