(More songs by BTS will be added now!)
(Songs performed by BTS: Best Of Me, Pied Piper, DNA, Mic Drop, Go Go, Serendipity, Dimple, BS&T, Not Today, Fire, Save Me, Spring Day, Jin- Awake, Lie- Jimin, Boy Meets Evil, Two! Three!, Cypher 3 & 4, I Need U, RUN, No More Dream)
(Sabrina: I'll post them 👇🏻)

(Alright! Next chapter will be the concert)
It was 3 nights before the concert, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, And Taehyung were all out somewhere while Jin, Jimin, And Jungkook stayed with Sabrina. Sabrina was in her room trying to sleep.
"Hey Sabrina you awake?" Jimin comes in quietly
"Yes! Finally some entertainment." Sabrina kicks off the bedsheets and sits up
"Hahahaha. What are you doing?" Jimin sits down on the bed
"I was trying to sleep, I got bored so I played on my phone and now you're here." Sabrina smiles at Jimin
"Ah I see! Are you nervous for the concert?" Jimin faces his body in front of her
"Very nervous. But, I'm really excited to be performing. It was my dream when I was younger." Sabrina blushes
"Oh that's cool." Jimin yawns "I'm very tired now, I'll let you sleep. Goodnight Sabrina." Jimin gives her a hug goodnight. Sabrina hugs back and gets under the covers. Jimin leaves the room. A few minutes later Jin comes in. "Hey Sabrina." Jin has no shirt on. He rubs his eyes
"H-Hey." Sabrina blushes
"What are you blushing at?" Jin looks down "Oh.....right." He laughs
Sabrina lets out a tired laugh
"So the others are back. They went out to a restaurant to get food. Taehyung And Yoongi has one too many drinks."
From downstairs you can hear Taehyung shouting "IM A GIRAFFE."
Jin giggles "He'd now quoting popular videos, before he was making fun of Jimin and I." Jin scratches his neck
"Is Yoongi still drunk?" Sabrina looks frightened
"Only half drunk. He is very tired so I'm going to carry him up here. I'll be back." Jin runs out
10 minutes later, Jin is carrying Yoongi who is smacking him and mumbling to let him walk. Jin places Yoongi on the bed
"He's yours to deal with." Jin says goodnight and closes the door
"Sabrina!" Yoongi hugs her waist giggling like a little kid
"Yoongi, Jin said that you were tired."
"No. I feel fine! I feel like I could jump into a ocean of sharks. Let's go do that!" Yoongi gets up
"How about no?" Sabrina pulls him down by his hoodie
"Oh come on." Yoongi growls
"You need to sleep." She rolls her eyes
"Ugh....Fine." Yoongi gets under the covers. Sabrina lays flat on her stomach and plays on her phone. Yoongi's blonde hair blocks her vision
"Yoongi move your head." Sabrina tries to move him
"Fine." Yoongi moves away his head and rests his head on Sabrina's shoulder, he hugged her tightly and kissed her shoulder
"Yoongi what the hell?" Sabrina tiredly looks over at him nuzzling her arm
"Meow." Yoongi giggles
"Go to sleep." She sighs
"Not until you sleep!" Yoongi pouts
"Alright then." Sabrina puts down her phone
"Yay!" Yoongi hugs her waist. He breathes down her neck
"Yoongi get off me." Sabrina sighs
"Never!" Yoongi whines
"Do you want me to get Namjoon?" Sabrina warns him. He quickly takes his hands off her waist and only hugs her arm
"Thank you." Sabrina ruffles his hair
"No problem!" Yoongi's blonde hair rubs against Sabrina's arm, Yoongi closes his eyes, Sabrina does the same.
Yoongi whines a bit and hugs her waist again whining more. Sabrina turns to him and hugs him for comfort. Yoongi whines and grips onto her shirt. Sabrina sighs and runs her fingers through his hair
"You're ok." She whispered into his ear. Yoongi whines again and pushes his head against her chest. Sabrina suspects he's having a bad dream so she hugs him. Yoongi stops whining and grips onto her shirt tightly and smiles. Yoongi's eyes shoot open and he sits up
"Woah you ok?" Sabrina sits up. Yoongi is out of breath
"Y...Yeah. I'm ok... I was just dreaming of something bad." Yoongi runs his fingers through his hair. Sabrina sits next to him and puts her hand in his shoulder. Yoongi holds her hand tightly
"Can I tell you what happened?" Yoongi mumbles in a very low and deep voice
Sabrina nods
"I-I saw this person. They looked like you. I was w-walking home and when I got there. They were hanged up from the ceiling, lifeless. And....And.... The person looked exactly like you and in the the Dream I kept screaming out your name for some reason, a-a-a-and I killed Myself after then I woke up, and I really don't want anything to happen to you..." Yoongi immediately embraces Sabrina into a hug and starts sobbing loudly
"Yoongi it's ok." Sabrina rubs his back
"No it's not! I'm scared something will happen to you!" Yoongi grips onto her shirt and lets his tears roll down onto Sabrina's shirt
"Yoongi, I'll be fine Ok? I'm 16, responsible of myself, I stopped cutting my wrists, and nothing will happen to me." Sabrina released from the hug. Yoongi lays down again, Sabrina comes closer to him. Yoongi hugs her waist and smiles
"Don't hurt yourself. I don't want anything happening again after what happened with Jae, Hikaru, and Nathan." Yoongi nudges his head on her arm
"I won't.... by the way. Before Hikaru passed away. He found a solution to those ears you have to hide."
"Oh you mean these?" Yoongi grunts And little cats ears pop up
"Awww. Yes those. I'll try it to tomorrow." Sabrina pets the ears. Yoongi purrs
"Ok what the hell?" Yoongi looks confused
"Hahaha. Go to sleep." Sabrina lays on her side then closes her eyes, so does Yoongi
(Next day, 8am)
"Ok Yoongi. I got this." Sabrina touches his ears
"Why did I have to wake up so early?" Yoongi whines
"Because I woke up at this time." Sabrina touched his ears
"Ow~" Yoongi whines
"I'll be done in 30 minutes." Sabrina grabs scissors
"W-W-What are you doing with those?!" Yoongi stutters
"Relax, I'm just opening up this glass of mysterious substance that Hikaru wrote in his note." Sabrina cuts off the top "Yoongi, this will sting Ok?"
"Ok..." Yoongi whines. Sabrina holds one of his ears and pours the substance on him. Yoongi grips onto Sabrina's shirt "Ow! Ow! Sabrina it burns!" Yoongi shouts. Jin comes down the stairs
"Hey what's going on?" Jin scratchers his neck then rubs his eyes.
"We are getting the ears off Yoongi." Sabrina carefully takes his other ear. Yoongi's left ear twitches in her hand
"Ok, I'll be quick." Sabrina pours the substance on the left one
"AGHHHH! SABRINA IT HURTS!" Yoongi grabs into her shirt more and growls. Taehyung And Jungkook come down the stairs
"What's going on?" Taehyung yawns
"I want to know too!" Jungkook scratches his head and messes with it.
"Ears. Yoongi. Going to be off." Sabrina grabs the paper Hikaru wrote instructions on. "Repeat the following words: Take them off, break this curse, rip it off, gone forever, the ears of the devil shall leave this persons body." Sabrina says. "Sabrina are you sure this will work?" Jin looks very worried
"Shut up." Sabrina shushes him
She repeats the words. Namjoon comes down "What the fuck is going-" Namjoon was cut off by Taehyung putting a hand over his mouth. Hoseok and Jimin watch from a distance. Sabrina finishes then goes to his ears
"What now?" Yoongi mumbles very quietly.  Sabrina doesn't answer. She goes up to his ears. "Sabrina?" Yoongi looks at her. Sabrina holds his head down. Yoongi yelps then Sabrina goes in front of him. *RIP* "AGHHHH!" *RIP* "OWWWWW FUCKING HELL!" Yoongi screams then falls to the ground holding his head.
"It's done." Sabrina puts the ears into a bag then goes outside to burn them. Hoseok and Jimin go downstairs
"Hyung you Alright?" Jimin looks at him
"No! That hurt!" Yoongi growls
"At least we got them off!" Hoseok smiles brightly then helps him up.
Sabrina comes back in. "Sabrina." Yoongi breathes out "aww. Now you look even better." She plays with his hair to fix up how messy it his. Yoongi blushes and laughs touching his head
"We did it." Sabrina laughs along with everyone. Jin cooks breakfast while the others wait on eating

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