Things have to change

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Something has got to give. School has slowly gotten worse. There has to be some god out there right it can't keep getting so bad right. I must be wrong.
The new guy that had been slowly following me around for a while finally some how got to me. There was a small good thing, I did make a few friends, but not for a good reason not cause I walked up to them and said hi, no they saved me.
The new guy is apparently called Tod. He is Dray's younger brother. Tod is pissed I got his brother kicked from school and sent off for breaking probation. I have no idea where the guard guy went but Tod jumped me on my way out of the bathroom. I was so scared one punch to the ribs I heard the crack sound off in my ears. I did manage a kick to his shin, and I know it didn't hurt him as much as his punch did me. I was able to get further away from him. The next punch; however, knocked me over i used my fists to protected me face from his onslat against me. My saving grace came as two people a guy I learned to be Shain, and a girl Lola. Siblings that moved to our school about the time that Chris was sent away. Shain threw Tod off of me and Lola came running up to my side pulling a first aid kit from her bag. Shain easily had Tod running away. Then came back to our side to help his sister.

Are you okay? He asked looking me over.

Ive been better thats for sure; he has been following me for weeks now I guess I should have seen it coming. I cringed as she cleaned a cut on my face.

Well your safe now. You wont have to worry about that happening again friends stick together. I'm Lola this is my brother Shain we will take care of you from now on. She smiled.

I'm Lance. I don't think I've ever had friends other than my twin brother. My parents sent him to England.... So the bullies he normally took care of have been a bit of a problem. I've never been as strong as him. Picking on me is fun to them I guess.

Wow, now you do. Shain said offering me his hand to help me up.

I took his hand and went to pull up, then hissed in pain remembering the crack sound from my ribs to late.

Shain quickly pulled me toward him so I didn't fall back on the floor. Lola lets get him to the nurse. It seems there is more than just scratches that need looked at.

Did he punch you Lance? Lola asked with concern in her eyes.

Yeah got me really good once to the chest. I said looking between the two.

Okay I'm going to pick you up it will be quicker to get you there than just leaning on me. Shain told me as he gently lifted me with is arm under my knees, and the other behind my back.

(Nurses office)

Thanks for bringing me here guys I appreciate it. Lance said with a smile.

It's all good we are just glad it wasn't as bad as it could have been. We got your back now we will fight these bullies together. Yeah. Shain said looking between Lance and Lola.

The nurse said you will bruise up a bit, but he didn't think it is really broken. I'd keep that ace bandage on for a few days just to be safe it will hold pressure and keep the pain down. Did they call your parents? Lola asked thinking Lance would want to go home.

Yeah, I'll keep this thing on for sure its all ready helped already. No, I won't let them call. My parents are a bit of a problem. An I'm fixing to put my foot down there has to be some changes going on, or I am going to loose it for sure. Lance said tilting his head at his new friends.

All the stuff they are doing trying to control me, its breaking me, and if they dont want to end up sending me some where worse than England it needs to stop. Lets hang after school get to know each other I need a break. Lance said with a smile.

(Another month)

Its been a month since I meet Shain and Lola. We have gotten really close. With them around the bullies have eased off. I got to tell Chris about them too. Just a quick chat. He made some friends too. Missing him sucks but we can do this. We will be 17 soon then its only a year left. I stood up to my parents it was a night to remember for me. I told them that either they lay off of me a bit give me my space, or I was going to end up doing something we would all regret. Pretty much made them realize it would end with me being sent away too. Mom flipped and cried. Dad I'm guessing finally realized what I meant. They got rid of the guards I can drive to school again by myself. Which is great I go pick up Shan and Lola on my way. Getting close to people other than my brother has been different to say the least. I'm glad though. They figured out me being in love with me twin on there own just by how I talk about him. I think Shain was a bit sad at first. He had developed a bit of a crush on me at first. Until he met Zeek, who has become our third member to our little team. We meet him the two weeks before my birthday. He got into a big fight at school. Shain was in the bathroom when Zeek came in with a bad bloody nose. Thankfully he ran into Shain when he did. Shan helped him calm down and stopped the bleeding. They haven't confessed to each other yet, but I bet it will happen before Chris gets home. At least that's what I told him. Goodnight Chris I love you.

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