Shadow:Ruby Part 1

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Shadow POV
Metal toke Sonic a couple minutes go. I was sitting in a chair thinking about him. Then Metal walk in and I glared back at him.
Metal: The Doctor wants you to come to the training room.
Metal: Now please.
I got up walking to the training room with Metal.
Sonic:Do you have to tell this part.
Shadow:Facker let me tell every part.
Sonic: F### you .
                                  Back to the story
I opened the door to see Sonic was on the floor shaking. I noticed the ruby on he's collar was growing purple. I started to walk to Sonic trying to see if he was ok. Sonic looked up and I stop seeing one eye was purple and was a normal green.
Sonic: Shadow?
Shadow:Sonic are you ok.
Sonic:Do I look ok to you.
He snapped at me looking away again.
Then I heard a laughing from the mirror on top.
Eggman:Hello my lad rats.I want to see who will win in a fight but I know Sonic won't fight a friend so I give her a little push. I have material on the table here now you can kill each other. I have a evil friend to talk to so let's get started.
Eggman push a bottom making Sonic scream in pain. Sonic got up slowly looking back at me with violet eyes. I stepped back as he stepped closer.
Sonic:You scared?
Shadow:Of you?
Shadow:I don't want to fight you Sonic. 
Sonic:Do I look like I care.
He stopped looking at me with a smile. Then he frowned his eyes turned back green.
Shadow: Sonic. 
He fell to the ground cuffing off blood.I run to him he helping him up.
Sonic:Let go.
It was to late Sonic tackle me to the floor and I see his violet eyes then he whispering in my ear .
Sonic:This is going to be fun Shads.
(Thank for reading have a good day or night byyyyeeee)

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