The Other Personality

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I don't know why she keeps me trapped...

I mean, we have such fun together

Spreading fire  everywhere,

So many buildings... All burned to the ground!

I took plenty of pictures, I am sure she is going to be so mad when she sees them

I can't help it!

It just feels so indescribable, to control fire,

Letting it Burn everything I touch, fuelling my hatred for this world

I can't wait to kill them

All of them

All The emotional torment she will go through

When she realises she killed her friends

Doubt she will let me though

She has too much self control

I Hate this.... so much

I hate her, I hate them, I hate everyone who ever lied to me, told me it was going to be okay,

It’s not fair!

Why do I have to be stuck inside of her?!

Her mother was my best friend,

Allowing me to set fire to the WORLD! We did it together!

We worked together to create a place where we could be happy, free

Without the horrors of war....

I Just wish they hadn't burnt the house down,

They did such a good job of it!

It left them all...

She should have died in that fire

If only I hadn't saved her, we wouldn't be where we are today

Carla FireWhere stories live. Discover now