chapter fifteen

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"it feels like the world's gone mad."
- bastille

AURORA AND GUS stumbled up her driveway, tripping over each other's legs as they shared easy kisses in between steps. And although Aurora knew it was wrong, that it was selfish and she had every reason to push him away, she pulled Gus closer until she was backed against the doorway, trapped between his body and the wood.

Her hands grabbed a fistful of his t-shirt, holding him against her. With each kiss, she was back to floating in the ocean, filled with warmth and the feeling of infinity. She wanted to kiss him forever, she realized. It was a dangerous thought.

Just as Aurora's hands slipped beneath Gus' shirt and got the first feel of his skin, the door was pulled open. She shrieked, stumbling backwards and crashing into another body as Gus' eyes widened in horror. Her brother cleared his throat from behind them, holding Aurora by her shoulders before he pushed her upright. Her eyes darted between Gus and Thomas. For once, she was at a loss for words.

"We were just—" she began before Gus' voice cut her off.

"I should go," he mumbled. His body trembled with embarrassment, shrinking into himself as if he could disappear. Aurora had to look away.

"No." Her voice was firm, but her brother glared at her.

"That's a good idea," Thomas said, crossing his arms over his chest. Aurora felt anger bubble up inside. She hated when her brother acted like this — like he could control her.

"Shut up, Thomas. He can stay if he wants to." Aurora and her twin stared each other down silently. Gus shifted awkwardly as he watched the encounter, once again feeling out of place.

"I'll just, ugh, see you tomorrow." Gus gave a sheepish wave before walking away. Aurora began to call after him before Thomas slammed the door shut, locking Gus out. She spun on her heel and jabbed a finger at his chest.

"What the fuck was that, Thom? You're not dad!" she yelled, throwing her hands up as she kicked off her shoes. "How many times do I need to tell you that? You can't tell me what to do!"

"Dad's not here." His stern voice only made her anger grow. "I need to watch over you."

She scoffed, glaring at him. "Well you're doing such a great job at that while you're at work all day."

"You're acting like an idiot, Rory." Her brother leaned against the wall, watching his sister with solemn eyes as she whirled in anger.

"I'm having fun," she spat. Thomas' eyes lit up at the word.

"Fun?" he sneered. "You're dying, Rory, and you're going to bring that kid down with you!" Aurora flinched, taking a step back.

"What did you just say?" she whispered. Her voice was weighed down with sadness and suddenly she was back in the ocean. Only this time, Gus wasn't there to keep her afloat. She felt the water tugging at her limbs, begging, needing to pull her down, deep into a void that she could no longer resurface from.

"You're dying," Thomas repeated, each word hitting her like a blow to the heart. Aurora watched as her brother's eyes glistened, fighting back the tears she had never seen him spill.

She latched onto the remnants of anger coursing through her. After all, anger was easier than sadness; than pain. "I thought you didn't believe me." She spoke with her chin pointed rigidly upwards, trying to carry as much malice in her words as she could manage.

"I didn't— I don't." Thomas sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. Aurora was startled by how familiar the action was, how much of her father could be seen when his face was contorted with worry. "I don't know what to believe, Rory," he said at last.

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