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It was over eight hours later when Phoenix awoke in a dimly lit room, laying on her back in an hospital bed. She looked around, and saw that she was in what looked like an ICU at a hospital. But a closer look told her otherwise. Hospitals do not have 7 different cameras hidden from most peering eyes and padded walls. 

The faint traces of dust along the walls told her that this room had not been used for a long time, until she had been here and people had to hurry to clean up the room. She felt pain coming from her arm, and she carefully lifted it and inspected it. Phoenix guessed that after falling, she had broken her arm badly enough that there needed to have something done to it, like an operation. She had just gotten to examining it when the door burst open and two nurses and two armed men came through.

The two nurses had badges on that said "Lucinda" and "David". Lucinda meticulously checked the monitors that were next to Phoenix, before looking at her arm thoroughly and nodding to David and the men. The taller of the two guards went over to the slowly closing door and held it open wide. The shorter man stood very still with his arms crossed, not moving. Phoenix knew that they were going to take her someplace, and thoughts raced through her head like bubbles popping as fast as they can be made. David got behind the hospital bed that she was on and gently started pushing the cart towards the open door.

Lucinda must have seen that Phoenix was scared, and she told Phoenix, "It's ok, dear. We are just taking you to see someone. They will explain everything when you get there. Now, does your arm hurt, dear?"

Phoenix frowned, but was glad that someone had talked to her and was actually nice. She was going to ask the nurse what she and Emma had been doing here, but she had thought that Lucinda might not know stuff on that level of information, as she was only a nurse. Phoenix said, "My arm hurts a lot, but less than when I had just fallen." She was also thirsty, but her fear of the water being drugged or poisoned outweighed her thirst.

"That's great, honey. Are you thirsty? I have a cup of water if you want it. Don't worry, it is not poisoned or anything," Lucinda said with a smile.

"Yes, that would be great. Thank you," Phoenix answered, realizing that if they wanted to poison her, they could have done it very easily when she was unconscious. She took the cup of water gratefully and took slow sips.

When they came to a stop in front of an oak door, Phoenix was surprised, because she had thought that the room she would meet whoever she would be meeting with would be more fancy and expensive.

Lucinda smiled and said, "This is not where you will be meeting him, poppet. I thought that you should get changed and ready in here. This room is just a bathroom. Here, I'll help you. Don't worry, love. We're not monsters." Lucinda winked playfully at Phoenix, and slowly helped her down from the bed and into the room, where the other nurse and the armed men did not follow. Phoenix decided to go along with her, since cooperating seemed to be the best way of getting out of here.

Thirty minutes later, Phoenix and Lucinda came out of the room. Her arm was in a white sling, which was stretchy and fit her hurt arm comfortably. She was wearing jeans like the ones that she had been kidnapped in, and a short sleeved t-shirt that left her arm uncovered. Her arm was wrapped in bandages and hurt less than it did before.

Phoenix thought that she should probably thank the nice woman, even though she had been kidnapped. "Thank you."

Lucinda started walking down the hall while she smiled and said, "You don't need to thank me, sweetheart. Now, right this way. You are going to see someone in the head office, so do try to make a good impression, ok?" When Phoenix nodded, Lucinda continued. "Don't be afraid, you will be fine. He is just going to explain the situation to you and make everything clear. This is his office, he's waiting for you. Now, he may be grumpy at first, but he is a nice person." Lucinda held one of the double doors open and Phoenix cautiously stepped inside. Lucinda called out from behind her, "It is just down the hallway and through the door. Remember to knock before entering because he hates disrespectful people. Good luck, sweetheart. I'm sure you won't need it, though." Lucinda was still smiling at her kindly as the door closed behind her.

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