Chapter 1

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FEEDBACK: Really appreciated, good or bad, but better appreciated if positive.

OWNERSHIP: I don't own Naruto or Naruto Shippuden. That honor goes to Masashi Kishimoto. I wish I owned it though, but I don't so...yeah. I never have owned it and never will.

A/N: I'm sorry if it doesn't feel original to you, but I try using my own ideas. I promise I don't really try to plagiarize. I'll try to be as descriptive as possible without making it seem like a dictionary. Well, I hope you like and enjoy this story, so if you'd like to, read the story.


(Y/n) is 5 at the time being. She lives in Sunagakure or the Sand village. She was very...different than most. She walked pass some people. She was going to ask someone if they could be so kind as to let her have some food. She saw a man, probably in his 20's-30's, who looked as if he might be a nice person.

She asked, "Umm...hello, sir. Could you be s-" The man scoffed, "No, just go away you little runt." Her right eye twitched in irritation. She said, "Please, may I h-" He rudely interrupted, "I told you to run off!" (Y/n)'s right eye twitched again. She kicked the man quite roughly in the man's left leg, because it caused him to fall to the ground. She grabbed his throat, and she said, "I suggest you hear me out." He stared at her in fear.

He pushed her away and tried to to crawl away. Anger boiled up inside her. She screamed at him and quickly ran to him. As she attacked him, she felt as if this was the only way to relieve her anger. The shadows around her came into her control. She was shocked as much as the man, when she controlled them, but she used them to her advantage. She strangled the man. Then, she stole his money, weapons, and any other valuables.

It's not like she'll get in trouble with her parents, because well, they're not alive. All she has from them is a necklace with 3 circles. One had nothing, but a light purple color. The next was red with black comma shapes. Then, the third was a darker purple than the first, and it has parenthesis shapes around the pupil. Besides her necklace, (Y/n) had nothing that belonged to them.

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