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July 7th 2032
   "Alright young Alyian take a deep breath and turn your head to the left you'll feel a slight pinch" the Cimmerian man stated as he slowly eased the needle into my arm. I couldn't help but flinch slightly at the light sting, it hurt but no where near as badly as Haidyan's bite had that first time. "Good girl now squeeze that ball every five to ten seconds, I'll be back to check on you shortly," he stated as he walked away.
   Looking around the small blood donor room I could see several humans that were restrained and cussing up a storm. I seemed to be the only one without restraints, in fact some of them were glaring at me. The boy next to me murmured something about 'spoiled princess' to which I rolled my eyes. I was used to the harshness from my own race by now.
   Over time while learning under Madame Syna even she had noticed the hostility the other students had towards me. 'You're special sweetie, not many here show your curiosity and not many hold our attention and intrigue us,' she had explained to me one day after finding me crying under a tree out by the beach. She had a total of six students all of which were kids around my age, however they were treated completely different from me.
    "Alright sweetie it looks like we're about done, you feeling dizzy or anything?" The male Cimmerian had come back and was smiling that fake smile most of them did to us. I shook my head and heard that boy utter something like 'of course got to make sure the princess is taken care of what a load of shit' before the males eyes went bright and he turned and slapped the boy hard across the cheek sending his head lolling to the other side. Blood dropped from his lip where it had very obviously been split and his eyes widened with fear. "That is enough! Had his highness been here and heard what you said about her you'd probably be suffering for months. What's the point in trying to help you people if you can't even be kind to your own race how utterly disgusting you are boy." He seethed the lights in the room began to flicker.
   "Mikale please calm yourself dear one, we will take care of this boy. I assure you such rude things said about ones own race will be dealt with. Now please continue assisting the newcomers through they're donation processes," Madame Syna stated as she walked into the room. Her smiling face turned to the boy sitting there trembling eyes wide and blood leaking from his face, "now, now, now young Nikolai how many times do we have to go over this 'if you don't have anything nice to say about someone don't say anything at all' especially about your own race. Unhook him and take him to the Black Room, I'm going to contact his highness about this one, this is the third time he's done something rude to Miss Alyian, not mentioning the things he's done to my other students." Madame Syna finished as she began to walk towards me. Nikolai paled severely and began to murmur mainly 'no', 'pleases', and 'I'll change'. While two big Cimmerian men came in dressed in full black snarls built naturally in there faces grabbing him by the arm as he flailed around in a pitiful excuse to try and stop them.
  I was stunned to say the least this isn't the first time I've seen a kid  taken to this 'Black Room' and every time I had it made me want to act as nice as possible to the Cimmerians. I had heard the horror stories of that place, many kids would whisper and tell stories of they're friends who were taken there. From what I had heard some return some don't and nobody really knows what to think about it or what happened to them.
   "Good job Miss Alyian, you've finished your first donation. His highness will be very pleased with your progress. Now ease your grip on the ball and I'll do all the rest of the work." Mikale said with a sweet smile, as he began to take the needle from my arm and put a small cotton ball over the wound with an odd type of tape. "You can take the tape off in about three hours give or take, I do not know fully how your kind heals," he said as he began to collect the bag of my blood.
   "Where are they taking him?" I asked in a hush tone already dreading the answer or the punishment I could receive for prying. He glanced up from his work and gave me a crooked half smile, with his bright hazel eyes that smile looked completely malevolent.
    "To the Black Room I suppose," he said as he waved his hand off in a dismissive manner towards me. When I didn't make a move to leave and continued to stare at him with a look that I'm pretty sure read 'go on' he stoped his task and put his hand on his hip in a clear display of intimidation. "The Black Room is where the more, how do I put this in a nice way, ah yes.... the Black Room is where the troubling cases of your race is taken and dealt with as seen appropriately. We are trying to help your race and certain people can't be helped so the Black Room is needed to either encourage them to change their ways..... or for other matters." He started to walk away as he whispered the last bit.
   "What are the other matters?" I raised my voice a little I could see many of the other Cimmerian workers staring and pausing what they were working on, even some of the humans had frightened yet curios gazes because I knew it was a question we all wanted an answer too. Some of their loved ones and family members had been taken to that room. Mikale stopped and looked over his shoulder at me, long black hair flowing down his back and that malevolent look clear as day on his face. He turned fully to me and the smile fell from his face and an evil glint hit his already scary face, the glow already beginning under his skin.
   "Didn't anyone ever tell you the saying young Alyian; curiosity killed the cat." With that being said Mikale turned fully and sauntered off. I was left speechless yet again. The other humans in the room looked at me with shock and I felt as if something bad was on the horizon.
   I got up slowly from the bed and proceeded to walk out the doors of the donation center. It was in the very center of the small village and as I walked I noticed that some of the humans that were selling foods and goods were watching me. It's not the first time they've looked at me but this is the first time I got looks besides death glares and hatred. Something had changed in them. I don't know for certain what it was but something was different. I was making my way down the square when an elderly woman came out of a building in a rushed way. She stopped in front of me, put her finger to her mouth in a 'shhhh' manner and handed me a small purple bag, running off in the direction of  the building.
As I looked at the bag I saw a small note:
  If you're reading this child, hide it away on your person. Open it when you are alone and away from any of THEM this is important. Don't let me down Celeste.

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