Chapter Eight

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Sorry for the late update!! I couldn't see for the entire week plus I had to start getting ready for campus. But there'll be this update and one tomorrow. 


"If you're ready, heart is open. I'll be waiting, come find me. If you're searching for forever. I'll be waiting, come find me", those are the lyrics that you sang to me on our first Valentines day together. I had forced you to sing, saying "Please, just one song", and I clutched on to the edge of your cotton shirt like my life had depended on it. My head was placed on your lap, your legs were laid out on the silk material of the bedding. You constantly refused, blushing at my request. Thinking about it, I was very selfish and persistent. You made me that way. As the words left your mouth, I shuddered in happiness. I closed my eyes and listened to you sing, and God knows that your voice was that of an angel. I'm still very selfish – I don't want you to ever share this talent of yours with anyone else.

Thank you


I could hear the front door shut and the sound of an engine igniting. I knew that Kate and John had obviously left, leaving me in the hands of him. He knew that if he kept me occupied for long enough, they'd eventually leave since Kate had a lecture to attend. The ring was still in his hands, and his smirk plastered his face. I felt my heart racing, as he made his way towards me.

"Why can't I feel your presence?", I quickly asked in attempt to divert his attention from the sound of my heart. Werewolves were known for their amazing hearing and smell. I could smell his Alpha scent radiating off him, however I couldn't smell that mate scent. I've researched enough to know that mates can feel and smell their bond – yes, research since it feels embarrassing to ask my parents about it.

"I'm right in front of you, what more presence do you need to feel?", he teased me and stopped walking when he saw that I was moving backwards. I could feel the bed hit behind my legs and groaned in pain. Damn him. He would never act this way if there was someone else in the room.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, and he took this as a cue to continue. "I'm just pulling your leg. Maybe it's because you're half human and half werewolf?", he sat on the dusty wooden floor, not wanting to make me feel more uncomfortable by approaching me. I took into consideration and nodded my head, it couldn't be that.

"I felt it the first time we met", I explained and took a seat on the bed. I looked down into his sea blue eyes and felt my heart racing. He was no longer looking at me, but rather at the ring in his hand. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion and I couldn't help but smile at how adorable he looked. He could feel my stare, since a second later his cheeks turned a bright red.

"Why him?", his question seemed so innocent, coming from his mouth. His voice was light, and pure. His surfer blonde hair covered his face, and he didn't make an attempt to push it behind his ears. If my wolf still spoke to me, I knew that he would be howling in pain.

"You're ignoring the situation at hand. I want to know why are we mates?", I immediately regretted the way in which I formed that sentence, since he looked up at me and growled. It was a soft growl, but nevertheless I knew that I had angered either him or his wolf, or both. He crawled on the floor, which was honestly very gross since the floor seemed like it hadn't been cleaned for a decade, towards me and placed the ring on my lap.

"I meant, besides the pull from earlier, what stops us from not being mates? Your scent is the same, I don't feel any urges, and what's worse is that I can't feel your presence", I tried clarify my previous statement and picked up the ring, placing it in my pocket rather than wearing it. I didn't want him to get frustrated or angry. He sat next to me on the bed and ran his hand through his beautiful luscious hair. A part of me wished it was my hands going through his hair rather.

"That pull... it was something. I felt it, and knew it was you. You probably didn't know, but I knew. Regardless of the current situation, I know that you're my mate. The Goddess has made us for each other. Whether you choose to believe me or not, is your choice. I just want you to know that my wolf ... he needs you. He had been stagnant for some time before I had met you, and he knows yours. You may never speak to him, but right now, as we sit, they're connecting", I tensed at the last part and couldn't help but ask what he meant by connecting.

"Fucking basically", he casually said to which I let out a frustrated sound. Arthur laughed and I had to lightly hit his arm to get him to stop laughing. I hated being part human, I couldn't know if he was telling the truth or messing with my head. If I was full werewolf, I'd be able to know that they were doing just that. I voiced my opinion to Arthur.

"Well, at this moment you're lucky you're not. They're fucking like rabbits, and if I close my eyes for long enough, I'll see it. Currently I'm hearing soft growls", he shivered and I guess he was right. That had me thinking, he could see them. That means he could see my wolf.

"What does he look like?", there was sorrow in my tone and I didn't try to hide it. I couldn't shift. I couldn't talk or seem him. Arthur knew who I was talking about and took my hand in his. They were so so very soft.

"You do realise I'll be basically watching animal porn?", he teased and I slapped his arm.

"Just see for a second, please Arthur", he softened at the mention of his name and I knew that I had got him. He closed his eyes for a minute and thereafter his eyes shot open as if he had a war flashback. He shivered and then shook his head.

"Never again", he stated but then saw my worried expression which made him calm down and smile.

"He's... beautiful. A Siberian husky would describe him, if he were to be compared to a modern-day dog. His eyes are blue... as blue as mine", he whispered the last sentence to which we both blushed.

"So does he top or?", Arthur snickered at my question and I couldn't believe that I had asked such a question. I had blurted the first thing on my mind, don't blame me.

"Little Alex would never top Diego", Arthur finally stated with confidence in his voice. I rolled my eyes and then took in what he had just said.

"His name is Alex?", I chocked on the name and could feel my tears begin to pool. Arthur saw this and pulled me to his chest, his heart beating at a soothing pace which slowly lulled me to sleep.

"Yes, and really does love you", were Arthur's words before I fell into a dreamless sleep. 

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